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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Still find it hard to believe the hype over a movie where the premise is "what if the true backstory of the joker was he was a clown that went crazy?"
  2. If they had any sense of humor they'd have the contents of Randy's thumb drive as a stretch goal.
  3. I'm kind of in the same boat as @Slug, but I took my honeymoon in Hawaii and loved it. It's almost annoyingly beautiful there, like you keep expecting to find a part of it that isn't picturesque and you fail. If you want to have a low key time, it's very easy to do that.
  4. ...all of them? This isn’t exactly a new phenomenon, your car insurance will pay out damages you cause up to your policy limits if you’re driving drunk. It’s an incredibly stupid idea because it’s essentially impossible to enforce in a meaningful way given the existence of private gun sales and the fact that most of these mass shooters don’t have a significant history that would escalate the cost of their insurance. Honestly, what kind of idiot thinks of this? A better solution is simply that if you have the kind of history that makes it so your fun insurance premiums go up, you don’t get to own a fucking gun in the first place.
  5. Fixed the level for the third time. Sigh. POW Block Perfection B3Q 0C6 1MF
  6. Wait, how did you beat the level without using the POW block? If you don't carry the POW block to the end you can't make the 50 coin drop and you can't beat the level...
  7. Growing Pains ID: JJW N5H RLG Megio Man N0G-SDR-NNG POW Block Perfection JNT-JSM-BVF I uploaded Growing Pains last night, so at this point if you beat it at all you'll set the record.
  8. Closed. I have a kid. I always slept with it closed when it was just my wife and I as well except for very hot nights in the summer for better air flow. I'm not exactly worried about home intruders, but I don't have thick bedroom doors so I can easily hear someone walking downstairs when I have company regardless.
  9. Yes but how does he feel about the rich snobs over at the fat kids camp?
  10. Welcome to every anime based game ever basically. It would be pretty great if Saitama was just the final boss and you can't beat him at all.
  11. Come on now, how can this annoy you? I'd be annoyed by the exact opposite thing. If I needed to go to room 305 and someone told me three hundred and five or three zero five, those would sound weird. If someone told me it was three zero eight o'clock that would be weird too. There are times when the O is acceptable, and it's all based on context.
  12. I say we just put giant “Participant” medals next to every confederate monument.
  13. Look, am I POTENTIALLY interested? Sure. If you could deliver a service where I can play certain games instantly with minimal input lag and I could play things on my phone or tablet, why the hell not? I'm not going to use it to replace my current PC/Console setup, but if a service allowed me to have a local copy and also stream it to my phone or Switch when I'm not at home for a less awesome but still totally acceptable experience, what's the harm?
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