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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. In all seriousness, if Trump tested positive for COVID, do you think there’s even the slightest chance we found out unless he was hospitalized?
  2. Why would you get money from a death period? Am I just that ignorant of hospital billing that they get to charge for someone dying and they get to adjust their rate based on what they die of as opposed to treatments trying to keep you alive.
  3. Bullshit. Cartman had the forethought and attention span to pull off a complex plan.
  5. These dumbasses aren't worried about losing their jobs, and if they were honestly worried about being short on their mortgage they should perhaps sell their 3k worth of tacticool bullshit instead of marching it into city hall. They want other people to work so they can get ice cream or a haircut or some shit. These are people with weapons who, when given the opportunity to flex them, choose to demand that others get sick and die so they can resume a more normal life instead of perhaps demanding the government assist them more so they can weather the pause.
  6. Hey, remember in happier times when that dipshit launched his own car into space as a massive vanity project and I was all "this guy is a fucking loon" and everyone else was all "lighten up, he's having fun with science?" Good times, good times.
  7. It's not skepticism, it's plain common sense. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This is not extraordinary evidence.
  8. It’s a legitimate argument when it is several steps down the line of infinitely improbable things to happen. 1. intelligent aliens exist 2. They have invented space travel 3. they have perfected interstellar travel 4. their interstellar space ships can also cruise foreign atmospheres no problem 5. in the infinite vastness of space, they found our planet 6. They decide to check out earth 7. despite countless better options of observing, they decide to physically visit 8. they decide to fly in our lower atmosphere 9. they decide to fly close enough to another aircraft that they can be spotted by the naked eye 10. That’s all they ever do, no landing, no orbiting, no communication, no long term observation 11. Either they do it multiple times with different ships nor multiple alien races do the same thing These things being an alien is like winning the lottery multiple times in a row, always on your birthday, which is February 29, always from a lottery ticket the wind blew in your face as you walked to your mailbox, and with the winning numbers matching your social security number.
  9. Yeah, just dig up those parts and never talk to him again. You have to wait until the next day for them to rust and be able to take them out of your inventory too I think. My peak this week was supposed to be in the 500-600 range but... the Nook kids closed shop to rennovate. If I get another high I'll allow for money laundering.
  10. It's all just an Occam's Razor problem. In order for this to be aliens, we would need to frequently have interactions with a superior race of beings that have somehow mastered faster than light travel and they... buzz our lower atmosphere for shits and giggles and then bail? What the hell for? Am I supposed to buy that they've figured out ways to crack interstellar travel but haven't figured out how to make a dope ass telescope so they need to get small aircraft close?
  11. Dude's a goddamn bird, he can fly his ass home. And apparently he does, he's always gone the next morning, and I've got five more rusted parts.
  12. I'm an island killer eh? My bad, this will be my last run and I'll stop murdering your internet. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  13. My conspiracy theory is that Pence is playing the odds. He’s significantly younger than Trump and in much better health. I guarantee you the thought has gone through his mind that if both of them get sick his odds of being president skyrocket.
  14. Remember when they first revealed Tifa’s model for FFVIIR and it became completely clear that tons of morons had no idea how bra sizes work? Good times.
  15. Also lol at the idea of TloU spoilers. If Naughty Dog’s entire body of work is any indication, the entire game was spoiled for you the second you watched more than one zombie movie.
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