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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. People are confused by digestives and jaffa, but we’re all just casually strolling by M&S Colin the Caterpillar cake?
  2. I bet Barr doesn't wipe and just enjoys that itching, burning sensation throughout the day.
  3. I refused to watch the debates, but I’m pretty sure someone would have told me if he did a Linda Lovelace with the mic.
  4. I really don’t care for MGS2 and I don’t understand the weird love some people have for it, but... it absolutely feels like Metal Gear. I might not think Vamp or the rest are interesting or good, but MGS1 had a fetish gear wearing floating psychic and a dude who copied people down to their DNA. It was always dumb bullshit, it was just better dumb bullshit.
  5. An MGS remake in the phantom pain style would be disappointing because there’s just so much open world jank you’d miss out on. If I can’t stop a caravan by placing a horse in the middle of the road I previously laced with C4 to detonate one tank, then what even is the point? The few indoor spaces in MGSV were not the highlight of that game.
  6. You mean white Americans lazily lumped together a random group of ethnicities and nationalities because they have superficial similarities? That doesn’t sound accurate.
  7. Licensing for a variety show is probably an absolute nightmare. It’s probably not worth the time and effort to get the rights of everyone involved.
  8. I’ve no skin in the game as I have no plans to buy either anywhere close to launch, but “It has one original game, one essential expansion of a last gen game, an odd remake, and the ability to play the old shit” isn’t really a compelling argument for dropping half a grand.
  9. Snyder fans are the film version of Elon Musk defenders. They will find any hill possible and die on it. When people started roasting this trailer for the hilarious choice of song, they all went to bat because it’s supposedly a tribute to his daughter as her favorite song. When people pointed out it’s even funnier that he used his daughter’s favorite song for the flaming ejaculation scene, suddenly it became a troll job to the haters. Snyder is a mediocre film maker that has a viewpoint chuds seem to love and so they bend over backwards to dick ride. If you ever needed proof that Snyder shouldn’t be allowed to tell stories look no further than Watchmen, a film which clearly missed the point that Rorschach is not a hero. How does one miss the symbolism of a character with black and white morality leading directly into brutality and fascism? Fuck if I know, but Snyder sure pulled it off.
  10. Most of them aren’t even going to know it to be enraged, you gotta go topical. Blast that WAP at em.
  11. I feel that anyone who goes on about “shall not infringe” and then goes all in on historical context for birthright citizenship should be launched into the sun.
  12. Perhaps if Canada were to build some sort of barrier... maybe use tariff money from the US to pay for it...
  13. “It’s wicked sahd ya died from the cahrownuh virus. Here’s ya diploma ya smaht fellah. I know yall be cheerin for the Pats from heaven.”
  14. I believe that suicide should absolutely count on gun violence statistics. Plenty of studies and real world examples have shown suicide to be a deeply impulsive act. Even a modest inconvenience will stop a lot of people from attempting the act. There's a really good New York Times article from a while back about this: The Urge to End It - Understanding Suicide It gives some interesting examples, like how in the 60's and 70's Britain changed from coal gas to natural gas. Coal gas asphyxiation had become a major method of suicide before then due to its ease, relative painlessness, and being in essentially every modern home. Once the change was made and asphyxiation became much more difficult, it essentially disappeared as a method of suicide. The suicide rate dropped, and has never gone back up. By removing the easily accessible method, the people who would have killed themselves simply didn't. There's even an example of twin bridges where a suicide barrier was put in place on only one. People objected to the cost and argued that people would simply walk the extra hundred feet to the other bridge and jump off there. The barrier went up, suicides on the bridge down, and the jump rate and the other bridge didn't budge. Why? The first bridge had a waist high fence, and the second bridge had a chest high railing. An extra foot of climbing, the effort and time required to complete the task, was enough to make people not do it. Easy access to a gun absolutely 100% contributes heavily to the suicide rate in the US. It's not like every single gun suicide would go away if guns magically disappeared because not every single suicide is purely spur of the moment impulse, but a shocking number of them would.
  15. I’ve read some interviews with her. She’s about as respectable as any libertarian, which is not much. Her response to COVID is basically that people should make the rational self interest choice of not going out and making safe choices but nothing should be forced, which is essentially what we’re currently doing but somehow even worse.
  16. No matter what, I would argue that it is morally wrong to wish Tucker Carlson caught COVID. You should wish that he dies from COVID. It’s repugnant to leave that to fate.
  17. Forget a prayer emoji, we need this: It's what I think every time someone close to one of these chuds is diagnosed.
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