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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. I am still full of nothing but dread. At least in 2016 I woke up and knew immediately everything was fucked. Now I have to wait until the numbers inevitably turn sour or in the best case scenario until that fat orange fuck is out of the door. I hate everything.
  2. All of The Mandalorian is just ok. It’s stupid as all hell, but mindlessly entertaining in a very pretty way. It makes as much sense as any Star Wars property, which is to say none at all, but it manages to keep me entertained for 60 minutes. Hell, it seems like Mando’s plan to find the child’s home world is to just find other mandalorians sight unseen and ask them if they have any friggin clue what the hell it is, which is the second worst idea besting only checking every planet in the galaxy in alphabetical order.
  3. There is a reckoning coming for Trump, just not a legal one. With any luck, he loses in two weeks and then that’s it. Given his slipping popularity and inability to get anything done, especially with getting their three fucking justices, it’s almost certainly not worth it to the GOP to dig in on this particular turd. Too old, too stupid, too hard to keep a lid on, etc. He’s rebranded by everyone other than the die hard as a loser. He’ll trudge to January like a sullen teenager, steal whatever isn’t nailed down, and enjoy a small fraction of the limelight that he used to, but it will never be the same. Fox and Friends won’t entertain his rambling 45 minute diatribes, Hannity and Carlson will have him on occasionally but they’ll quickly move on to propping up people whose political future matters. His health is in the shitter, he’s been burning the candle at both ends hopefully for naught, and the moment there is no political gain from frequenting his businesses, his profits will probably start sinking too. He’ll never see the inside of a jail cell, but the remaining short bits of his life will be bitter, resentful, angry, and flailing without the adoring crowds he needs so much. Honestly this is better than some ridiculous trial where he gets to be on tv and post some go fund me for legal fees. Let him fade into nothing and hate it.
  4. It’s funny that these chodes think anyone gives a flying fuck about them beyond their proximity to their dad. If and when he loses they’re going to be dropped like two hot rocks.
  5. Not much really. I might get Hyrule Warriors 2 depending on reviews, in theory cross my fingers and hope to snag a 3070 but that seems like a pipe dream.
  6. So...... any plans for the old GPU? Sadly the Titan died a few weeks back. RIP in peace to a real one.
  7. My birthday is in December. So is my son’s seventh birthday and my other son’s first birthday is in January. I don’t do much for my own birthday, but I’ve resigned myself to the kid’s being a letdown. My one year old clearly won’t know any better, but I told my older son that if and when things are better in the summer we can have a redo.
  8. I honestly have no idea what to think is going to happen and I’m sick to death of the constant uncertainty.
  9. I don’t take in any GB content outside of the podcasts, but I really liked having her on there. She was funny and provided a needed break in largely the same viewpoint from everyone else. I always felt like people gave her a ton of unnecessary shit for how she talked about things when the original crew weren’t exactly wordsmiths. The only video content I would watch was six crazy frights each year, and I will be truly sad to see it go after this year. That shit was completely fantastic and the VR year was perfection.
  10. So real talk for a second. De we assume that it’s this way because there wasn’t even a straw to grasp on, because they know it’s not even worth the effort as his re-election is a lost cause regardless, or because they’re comfortably confident in a different rat fuck?
  11. To some extent they are, because people with half a brain realize that lowering the virus in their own country doesn’t mean shit if we keep it active and alive in ours. Eventually some moron will get through and you’re back to where it all started again.
  12. Remember when Ken Bone’s reddit profile was found and he was talking about looking at Jennifer Lawrence’s asshole? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
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