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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Let's be real about two things. Melania is just as shitty, evil, and cruel as her husband, there's no way she's "fleeing" or getting out right away. Second, there is zero fucking chance pre-nup or otherwise that this case isn't settled largely outside of the courts. The weight a pre-nup holds varies state to state, and the last thing Trump wants is discovery bringing his actual assets to public light.
  2. I wish they were the liberal boogeymen the right fears they are. I wish in January the military seized every gun and F-150 and melted them down for high-speed rails to the mandatory gender reassignment center for every chud who ever wore a MAGA hat.
  3. Imagine being a “billionaire” and thinking that 3 mil is too rich a price to being one of the most powerful men on earth.
  4. Tell them you saw the same guy vote four times, but with a different personality each time. The first was normal, the next time he was acting super macho, then he came back again acting all femme, and he finally came back one last time acting like an idiot. Oddly he looked exactly like Michael Keaton.
  5. I’d love to see a live feed of this useless fat sack of shit try and move a single piece of heavy furniture in front of a door.
  6. Name something wrong about what I said. The Mandalorian is a painfully stupid show that’s still charming and fun to watch.
  7. Both of those fat fucks should have died of covid. Why anyone gives a shit what tubby Reek thinks is beyond me.
  8. It’s somewhere in the middle I guess. It’s 101 proof so it’s not weak and it’s got a strong flavor, BUT... it’s very affordable, easily available, and surprisingly good for the money comparatively. You could do a lot worse, just don’t go taking it as a shot or something.
  9. If it gets called for Biden, I will open a bottle of Wild Turkey. If it gets called for Trump, I will open a bottle of Wild Turkey. The only difference will be whether I also grab a glass.
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