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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Can a bitch be so absurdly cray that even Trump and co. decide to cut ties? Surprisingly, yes. At least if you tie a very loyal governor in a state with a win or die runoff to a dead communist president and deep state CIA ties.
  2. My original dreams died in a black SUV leaving Walter Reed, but having these two ghouls watch their children die is a decent compromise. Pity it won’t play out like that.
  3. Do conservatives watch movies? The Death Star, the kraken, and now the Spartan 300? What’s next, operation snobby kids at the summer camp across the lake?
  4. Plenty of these chuds know enough that the machine will scratch their back if they scratch first. Yes they’re all cravenly self interested, but they know to play ball to keep the larger system going so they can get their rewards at the end. Trump has no interest in the second phase because that means him losing. He does t give a shit about helping anyone so they will help him down the road, he demands to be helped now and forever and to give nothing back.
  5. My hope/fear is the Republican machine realizes that Trump alone is simply not worth this sacrifice and will ultimately leave him high and dry. He gets to spew his bullshit and rabble rouse the base, but they don’t have to go through the massive crisis of having to go through an actual honest to god coup and the total chaos that would bring. These judges have their jobs for life and they gain nothing by catering to Trump in particular. Trump’s biggest problem here is that he never gave a flying fuck about the party or the movement, he gave a fuck about himself.
  6. The majority of Confederate monuments aren't even museum worthy. They aren't historically signifficant of an any import, they were mass produced on the cheap long after the war to make fragile whites feel better. Their only value is a tool to remind Confederate dick riders how pathetic their "heritage" truly is.
  7. I stand by my assertion that every single confederate monument should be allowed to stay, but they must all have a gigantic participation ribbon permanently adhered to them.
  8. I’m becoming my previous nervous pessimistic self. I feel like we’re in an era where information and facts don’t matter. Let’s say it was a Biden blowout. More proof he cheated, no way it could be that bad! Biden squeaks by? They just found votes to make up for it! It’s why I’m so tired of arguments over messaging and outreach, who fucking cares anymore? People believe literal impossible nonsense. A fair portion of the country truly believes in a deep state that doesn’t have the time to fake ballots with markings for senator. Millions of Americans refuse to believe a man who can’t fucking book a hotel for a press conference could possibly lose an election. The amount of bullshit you have to buy to accept any of this is measured in kilotons. For fucks sake, people are arguing that they booked a landscaping company because there are so many people hostile to Trump on the area, then say it’s absurd that he lost that area so badly.
  9. What does the GOP have to gain by discrediting them? It makes no fucking difference to them. On the one hand, they sow discord before Biden even sets foot in the office and make his life infinitely more difficult and rabble rouse their base. On the other hand, through outright fuckery, they stay in power. It’s an inverse war games, the only way to lose is not to play.
  10. Man this places went from a joyous celebration with an incredible release of stress to tearing itself apart in record time. I’ll let everyone decide for themselves if I mean the thread or the country.
  11. What do people make of this Newsmax thing? Is this just the same usual hysterics where they bitch about something being too liberal then bail after a week or two and come crawling back? I have not and will not watch or pay attention to Newsmax so I have no clue if they have any shot of really capitalizing on this sudden exodus or if the chuds will grow tired of it like parlor or any of the other alternatives.
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