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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. He'd have to squat over the plate. Never gonna happen. That fat sack needs help getting off the shitter guaranteed, there's no world where any part of him manages to lower himself without support, duece or not.
  2. "The same professionalism and energy you have brought to all your work in the past"? So what, they're going to halfheartedly shit in all the houseplants while carving "MAGA" into their desks with their keys?
  3. On the legal side of these I completely understand that people are pissed about this decision. On the other hand, holy fucking shit can you imagine publicly whining about this in a world where food pantry lines are stretching across the country? Waaaah, waaaah, my percentages! You put up a shit load of money for a lizard beating the shit out of a monkey, get over it.
  4. I only use these services when I get a promotional discount, and I always do pickup anyway. Free food on venture capitalist money. Thanks for the hibachi assholes!
  5. Yes, in the micro sense you're correct. In the macro sense, it's far more confusing. The larger picture here is that the majority of elected republicans are perfectly happy to go along and with full throatedly support a narrative that they absolutely know is 100% bullshit. So laws get put on the books. So what? A republican state can just get rid of those laws if they're inconvenient. Depending on what the supreme court says in regards to the standing of the Texas AG case, apparently any state can sue any other state the second they change their election laws. Oh, California expanded mail in voting? Alabama doesn't like that one but, let's bring it to the supreme court. Trump can't pardon himself? Even if that shit was on the books and he did it, who the fuck is going to stop him? There are countless examples from the last four years of things that were actually on the books that got brushed aside and nothing happened at all. We've all known this on all levels for a while. What's on the books doesn't matter for shit if the people that wield the hammer sit idly by. Unless you can convince those that hold the power to actually use it when it needs to be used, those are words on paper. Republicans largely hold the power. People keep saying the reason this didn't work is because it wasn't close this time. That's bullshit. The reason it didn't work is because the people that hold the power fucking loathe Trump behind closed doors and would rather be done with him but will happily keep his voters.
  6. No? There are largely no "loopholes" to exploit. They're exploiting an angry mob and essentially thumbing their nose at literal, actual established law. What can you possibly do to people who don't actually give a fuck about the law itself?
  7. For the love of fucking god can we end the debate over who doom posted what and when? This is stressful enough as is without the constant pointless bickering.
  8. Nothing is timeless, we just happened to be around when it was relevant. You know how many Seinfeld episodes would be over immediately or never even begin because of cell phones and the internet? The soup nazi? Uber Eats that shit. Can't remember your date's name? Facebook. Bathroom book? Yes, the bookstore market is thriving. Damn, how will we ever find ourselves in this huge parking garage? Oh right, text. Oh shit, I need to call my girlfriend but the only payphone is busy! What the fuck is a payphone? I mean for fuck's sake, Jerry lives in a palatial apartment on a stand up comedian's paycheck and Kramer lives in a similar apartment with no actual job. The New York city they live in just doesn't exist anymore. The jokes are still funny, but it shows its age.
  9. Hugh Keays-Byrne Dies: Actor Who Played Immortan Joe In ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Was 73 First Lord Vader, now Immortan Joe. 2020 taking all the joy before it goes out.
  10. God I hope beyond hope that he’s so fucking bitter and spiteful to people he feels failed him or betrayed him that he let’s them rot.
  11. Nerds over obsessing over minutia and ruining things? In Star Wars? Nah.
  12. It’s been four fucking years of “he can’t possibly do that... well fuck he just did” on repeat. The idea that any of this was impossible can only be dismissed casually out of hand if you suddenly blanked out everything from 2016 until now out of your mind. There is a world, where with a far more competent legal team and less at stake for Republicans without runoff elections or a barely liberal candidate taking office where this could have been a very, very different situation. Yes we should all be incredibly glad that Trump values loyalty over competence and handed the bag to a motherfucker so old and incompetent that he makes head trauma patients seem like constitutional scholars. These morons were so busy figuring out how to fleece idiots out of money while the Titanic sank that they didn’t for one second try to bail out water. They presented literally nothing. An actual competent team of attorneys more motivated by ideologies would have done a much different possibly better job. Trump dies by making the blunder of assuming that he was behind the wheel of the machine instead of a passenger it begrudgingly tolerated. Most of these judges understand on a fundamental level that overturning the election is flipping the table and they’re in the position for life. Why throw out the ability to influence the course of the nation for decades for a moron that has maybe four years? The chuds will fall back in line with the red sooner rather than later, flushing the semblance of a functioning democracy down the drain gains you nothing.
  13. It’s a bold move to make a kids movie where the lead actor’s direction is just to be apocalypse level horny for his wife at all times.
  14. The desperate spin around this thing is incredible. Chud Twitter is coming up with all sorts of explanations for this wet fart of a filing. All those errors and misspellings? Well those are just conversion errors from word to pdf of course. Besides, no amount of bullshit is going to change the fact that the hand recount of the votes matched the machine count.
  15. Well yeah, why would Nintendo want growth organic or otherwise for a GameCube game they can’t possibly profit off of anymore?
  16. I understand the shitty reasons Parler would want them, I meant any legit reason a user would fork them over?
  17. Can someone explain to me any plausible explanation for why they would need a SSN to verify you? What conceivable valid reason would they have for needing that?
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