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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. I don't know why but for some reason I had thought the Death Star was something like 20 years before the show, which would make it hard to believe. I'd say that guy was maybe in his late twenties? Kind of hard to tell with the weird face thing on.
  2. I was going to say that pilot seemed awfully young to have been on the Death Star, but I guess that barely works.
  3. Another question for those paying more attention, when does this show take place? How long after RotJ is this happening?
  4. So late 2021 will have two separate Star Wars shows starring mandalorians?
  5. Ok, someone who has paid attention to all the announcements and other nonsense, does this mean that season 3 is going to be about Boba Fett, or are they going to be separate things?
  6. You can torture a justification for literally anything. Boba Fett could have shown up as a completely stacked 22 year old blond woman and I could argue that the digestive juices of the sarlacc have incredible anti-aging properties but are also loaded with midiestrogen, the force version of lady hormones. It explains things, but it's still fucking stupid. Sure, you can accept that the empire has somehow created to single most lax IT security policy of all time because apparently it has. It's still a glaring plot device lazily designed to do one thing and one thing only. The face thing is just the cherry on top of the nonsense Sunday. Apparently any random scrub can just use the terminal, no login necessary, and pinpoint the exact location of every single ship in the secret fleet. You think something like that would be obscenely valuable to the new republic and might at the very least have a password. Look, the entire show is run off of spaghetti logic and not thinking about anything. Remember how the whole crux of the last season was that people could just hunt down Grogu and Mando as long as they had a space beeper? Did that thing run out of batteries or something? Why isn't Mando just pulling that thing out and following the little red blink? The fact that the framework of the show is popsicle sticks, bubblegum, and prayer doesn't make it less fun, but let's not go around putting more work into the logic of the show than the writers themselves.
  7. Yeah, I'm generally very opposed to a super rich person teeing off on the people who work under them, but if there's one time where I feel it's warranted putting people's lives in danger is it.
  8. That shit is an airtight logical progression compared to 3/4s of a million fraudulent ballots, in Texas, two god damned months after the election.
  9. This shit happened on Tuesday. Even if you fucking believed the fraudulent ballot shit, why in the name of fuck would they still have them? Are they faking ballots now, long after any counting happened for the lulz?
  10. The same people who like to joke about identifying as an attack helicopter are trying to identify as the electoral college.
  11. Something can be threadbare fluff and still be meaningful to people. My point is not that the show does wrong but it’s themes, mood, or broad strokes as it generally does a pretty good job with all of that. What I’m saying is that the logical plot that puts our heroes in place is largely nonsense and the show aims to deliver memorable moments by not giving a single shit about how the pawns got into place. Mando having to remove his helmet and dealing with that conflict can land emotionally, but it doesn’t change the fact that the terminal is an obvious and stupid Mcguffin. Sure you can torture a justification, but the entire thing is a clear and lazy plot device. The face thing doesn’t even cover the fact that our Boston townie somehow just happens to have a magical empire USB stick that instantly finds the ship in question as if it’s just labeled Gideon.ship in the directory or something. I like the show, it’s a lot of fun, and largely the emotional beats land just find. It’s also a profoundly dumb show. Both can be true.
  12. I enjoy the show a lot, but one thing it absolutely does not do is let things have time to breath. This show moves at a breakneck pace never once stopping to expound on anything at all. It lets mood and tone have all the space it needs, but not plot. Context for more or less anything is utterly lacking. It rushes past exposition so quickly it makes a whooshing sound as it goes by. Mando found another Jedi who could talk to Grogu, and in less time than you need to take a decent shit agrees to bring him to another planet and place him on a magical rock to see if anything happens, and he doesn’t even ask where the fucking rock is. He cruises over the sky of an entire planet and finds the rock he’s looking for immediately. The empire for some reason has baby handcuffs on the ready for a mind wizard that can move shit without touching it. His hands are the least dangerous thing about him, what is he going to do, scratch your shin slightly? The show can’t let anything breath because the second you pause and reflect upon what you’re watching it comes crumbling down. The entire thing is just cotton candy, a big fluffy bit of fun that dissolves into nothing when you’re done. That’s absolutely fine, I have no problem with enjoying a well done, supremely stupid bit of fun. My only point is tons of whiny assholes went on endlessly about how Rian Johnson didn’t understand Star Wars and how terrible it was that spaceships could run out of fuel or bombs could fall down, or whatever. It’s fine to not like TLJ, I love parts of it and hate others, but to pretend the problems with TLJ are based on logic while eating this show up is just nonsense.
  13. The stupidity of the show is both endearing and also shows that a lot of TLJ haters are absolutely full of shit because they happily gobble up face terminals but somehow purple lady not trusting by Poe immediately is a bridge too far.
  14. From what I’ve read, the three million was paid into the state. The problem is now that Republican state legislature is refusing to give the money to the democratic counties.
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