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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. How is acknowledging the fact that I’d be fucking terrible in an armed conflict “lying down and taking it?” I have the same realistic outlook on if my life depended on my ability to outrun a hungry lion. I can buy running shoes all I want, I’m still fucked.
  2. The three don’t need to conspire, any one will do. Life isn’t Rambo, if a mildly organized group decides you’re a problem your gun or guns won’t do shit. Owning a gun is like the TSA, it’s fucking security theater. You’ve bought a false sense of security.
  3. If any network airs a trump speech after this bullshit the executives should be executed in the street.
  4. Trump doesn’t have the attention span to care about legislation. He barely cared when he was president.
  5. First, they’re white. Second, removing these people is going to be a challenge.
  6. Why are people still asking Comey questions? Comey should be mowing my lawn and paying me a dollar an hour for the privilege.
  7. Another recount? How many times do they think we can nut? The tank is running dangerously low, people have been blowing dust for weeks now...
  8. I have no doubt that without COVID we’d have four more years of Trump if for no other reason than mail in voting would have been a fraction of what it turned out to be.
  9. I don’t know what it’s like where you are, but in NJ possessing a fake ID is a criminal offense with possible jail time. Also to some extent, if we’re dealing with corporations, you NEED the state government to recognize it and sign off on it whereas a fake ID is purely counterfeit. If no state will recognize your anonymous corporation anymore, making a shell company is magnitudes more difficult unless you also want to forge tons of official documents.
  10. Yes, but this is essentially like outlawing fake IDs. Yes, anything you were going to use a fake ID for was probably illegal in the first place, you’re still doing something specifically to make illegal activity easier.
  11. Yeah, call me crazy but if you’re NOT planning on going boom, it seems an odd choice to sit with your bomb for that long and do seemingly nothing.
  12. I haven’t paid attention to all the developments, wasn’t the car parked there for a while? Seems unlikely you just sit there for that long with a bomb unless you’re planning on going with it. Looking at the video from before, it might not even be a case of the cop being lucky, the guy in the RV might have intentionally been waiting for him to walk away. There’s no way to be sure, but it definitely seems like this person made choices specifically to avoid killing anyone other than themselves.
  13. Oh for fuck’s sake. What is it about 5g that makes people so ducking paranoid? I don’t remember this much bullshit over 3g or 4g,
  14. Who could have predicted that Wade would have been the best thing to come out of Cyberpunk?
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