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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. I wonder if she’ll only get two volleys at her funeral because she already ingested the first?
  2. They’ve got a lot of cops and they really don’t like when people look at them sideways?
  3. You think if that fat fuck called up OAN or Newsmax they wouldn’t have him live on air this second? Not a god damned chance.
  4. There would never be a silent coup, because half of that phrase is “silent” something trump is literally incapable of being.
  5. Pence isn’t as fucking stupid as people like to think. He was going to lose as governor in his own fucking state and he has the charisma of the victims of Pompei. He has no fucking delusions of winning the presidency on his own. He has too much of the Trump stench and not enough of anything else to make up for it.
  6. No one should get their fucking hopes up. The 25th amendment has as much chance of getting invoked as Ben Shapiro’s wife having a satisfying orgasm.
  7. At this point I just want some fed up agent to invoke the .38th amendment. Preferably twice to make sure.
  8. That motherfucker looks like every asshole in an 80’s movie who tried to close the summer camp across the pond.
  9. As much as I admire your iron fist and thirst for the blood of traitors, even you would not be able to build guillotines fast enough to deal with this.
  10. Who the fuck is? Name a single soul on this planet that can adequately tackle this problem?
  11. I mean... there’s no slippery slope argument here? I’m not saying that you owning guns is step one of a twelve step plan to armed insurrection or some shit. All I’m saying is that your family is still alive without once resorting to your gun and there are other options available that don’t escalate a situation to potentially deadly violence.
  12. And yet, somehow, everyone in your family is safe, alive, and unharmed. Did it occur to you that escalating these events with a gun might make things worse? What if you pulled a gun on that roided freak and he decides to just bide his time and shoot you the next time you step out your front door? What happens if that methed out tweaker was faster on the draw than you? Instead of having some shit stolen, now your wife and kids are burying you. Buy better locks, get a dog, these will serve you far better.
  13. Accept the more realistic idea that you actually needing to defend your family with a gun is an incredibly unlikely event? Accept the fact that having other people out there with easy access to guns actually makes it more dangerous for you? Take more realistic precautions for safety?
  14. Find the fucking people responsible for putting this speech out there and paint the streets with their blood.
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