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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Oh no doubt, but Pence could go on about what an absolute shit show Trump is behind the scenes
  2. Cohen had a reason to turn snitch. Pence doesn’t. Can you imagine a pence and trump primary? It’s just going to be boring Race Bannon spilling the tea nonstop.
  3. As much as I don’t think Pelosi and Schumer are very good, I genuinely don’t understand what people expect. We were just ragging on Republicans for showboating on objections they knew were doomed to fail. Impeachment is at best a feel good move that accomplishes nothing given the time left and the people involved.
  4. Different definitions of failure and success I suppose. It wasn’t a total failure like getting stopped at the gates, but if you asked why these chuds or the Q go, I don’t they would have started their goal as pointless loitering. They had access to some of the most powerful people on the planet and unlocked open government emails and they just sat around with their dicks in their hands and took selfies. This is the kind of shit I did in high school when I was after hours and the teachers lounge was unlocked. Yeah, they got much further than anticipated, and foreign government stirring up Q shit are absolutely delighted with the results but the chuds themselves got virtually nothing they wanted.
  5. The coup mostly failed because these idiots have been poisoned on a diet of absolute bullshit and falsehoods. A lot of the morons who stormed the building truly and honestly thought that this was going to be the triggering event for a greater moment and that the military was going to swoop in and start arresting “traitors and enemies” or some other shit. When that didn’t happen they just kind of littered around because they had no goal or plan beyond the kickoff. Once “the storm” or whatever failed to happen, what the fuck were they supposed to do? They weren’t prepared for an actual fight or any sort of siege, they folded like a cheap suit. If they had actually prepared to dig in for a longer standoff or had a leader who wasn’t an absolute pussy terrified of doing anything beyond bossing underlings to do his bidding, we’d be in an entirely different situation. The idiot insurrection only failed because of the idiocy.
  6. Impeachment isn’t fucking tinkerbell, we can’t just believe and clap it into existing.
  7. Nah, I’m pretty sure her final rant was a bunch of blood bubbles oozing out of her throat.
  8. There are millions of us! We are the silent majority! Also our large gatherings are mostly antifa!
  9. I have nothing to say at the moment other than god damn it’s good to see you back.
  10. I wonder if she’ll only get two volleys at her funeral because she already ingested the first?
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