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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. I don’t think it’s a shame she died. I am very, very opposed to state violence. I think by and large our cops and citizenry should be largely disarmed. That said when you’re in the vanguard of a literally murderous mob trying to breach further inside to where people are hiding for their lives? There is no shame at all in the fact that you lost your life. The fact that you threw away any and all rational thought to follow a conspiracy theory so inept and moronic that it makes brother tempus seem lucid is no excuse.
  2. My guess is it’s contractually obligated to do so. You could argue that hosting criminal content voids the contract, but Amazon is probably just shoring up any possible avenue for a future lawsuit.
  3. Can you be court martialed posthumously? It would be fun to watch that idiot who got domes be stripped of everything as they lowered her casket.
  4. Oh no doubt, but Pence could go on about what an absolute shit show Trump is behind the scenes
  5. Cohen had a reason to turn snitch. Pence doesn’t. Can you imagine a pence and trump primary? It’s just going to be boring Race Bannon spilling the tea nonstop.
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