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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. “Hello MachineGames? I have a great pitch for a new game!” ”Do you kill nazis?” ”Uh... well actually...” * dial tone *
  2. Bethesda design ethos : "You see that mountain over there? You can climb it." MachineGames design ethos : "You see that nazi over there? You must kill him."
  3. Here's the problem, and I went to school for this shit so I spent plenty of time reading all about this. Severity of punishment has comparatively little impact on rates of crime. More lenient states don't have significantly more crime than stricter states. I am a terrible student of history, and even I can tell you that the punishment for crimes in earlier times was significantly more barbaric than it is today, and guess what? Crimes still happened. In parts of the world, the punishment for theft is losing an arm, shit still gets stolen. You could design the breathalyzer to be the barrel of a gun that goes off if you blow over the limit, and drunk driving would still happen. Essentially in criminal psychology, a "sane" person committing a crime weighs out a handful of factors. The benefit to them of crime, the likelihood of being punished, and the consequences. By far, the likelihood of being punished is the determining factor. It outweighs severity of punishment by several magnitudes, which makes total sense. Who cares what the penalty is if you're absolutely positive you won't be caught and face justice? At the same time, if the penalty for a rolling stop was five dollars and a post it note that said "I'm really sorry" written on it, I'm still not going to intentionally do it right in front of a cop. Typically capital crimes are by far the worst candidates for the death sentence for these same reasons. People who murder fall under three categories; people who don't/can't think of the consequence because they're insane or acting out of rage, people who have planned in advance and believe they won't be caught, or people who don't give two shits if they get caught. No punishment will ever stop these people because they either don't care or don't think it will come to that. No one carefully plans out a murder and is comfortable with life in prison but throws the whole thing in the trash because of the death penalty. The same applies to rapists, torturers, kidnappers, child molesters, whatever. If any of these people actually thought that they'd get caught, they wouldn't have done it in the first place, regardless of it being a long jail term or execution. So if the death penalty prevents no crime, then all we're doing is killing people for revenge. That's not a good reason for the state to take someone's life. Even if we remove the costs involved with appeals and the legal process, even if it was still more cost effective and expedient to kill someone, it's still not a compelling argument to do it. Once someone is in jail for life, they're essentially no longer a threat and there's no good reason to kill them.
  4. I don’t think it’s a shame she died. I am very, very opposed to state violence. I think by and large our cops and citizenry should be largely disarmed. That said when you’re in the vanguard of a literally murderous mob trying to breach further inside to where people are hiding for their lives? There is no shame at all in the fact that you lost your life. The fact that you threw away any and all rational thought to follow a conspiracy theory so inept and moronic that it makes brother tempus seem lucid is no excuse.
  5. My guess is it’s contractually obligated to do so. You could argue that hosting criminal content voids the contract, but Amazon is probably just shoring up any possible avenue for a future lawsuit.
  6. Can you be court martialed posthumously? It would be fun to watch that idiot who got domes be stripped of everything as they lowered her casket.
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