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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Yeah, it reminds me of the Witcher situation, although that’s a court in a totally different country with different laws. If I remember correctly the whole lawsuit hinged on the fact that Polish law allows for relief when a contract leads to something so wildly successful that no one could have possibly predicted it at the time and it would be unfair to not share some of that wild success with one of the parties involved. It feels like a ethically shitty situation all around. There’s no way of telling what part the image specifically played in the enduring legacy of the image or just being associated with the album itself, but it is weird that two decades later people are still routinely printing that image and making money off of it. It would be one thing if it was purely album art where people are theoretically buying it incidentally, but if they’re selling posters and shirts that’s a somewhat different story. I seriously doubt that any of the nonsense he’s claiming as damages is true, but it is bizarre to imagine that someone could be making money off of a picture of you that you never agreed to because your parents wanted $200 before you could talk.
  2. Add this to the growing pile of things that are horrible on a human level but I genuinely have no idea what a better solution would be let alone a good one.
  3. That’s what I mean, I don’t know enough of the history of the thing since I was 7 at the time to know if that actually counts as a victory or just a prelude to worse nonsense.
  4. Genuine question for people who know/give a shit about American military history more than myself which is damn near anyone. What was the last time the US had a genuinely successful military campaign? I feel like my entire life has been spent being told we have the greatest and biggest military the world has ever seen, meanwhile I can’t remember an unambiguous military victory in that entire time and I was born after Vietnam.
  5. Some mother fucker once tried to convince me that there was a time in the US where more slaves were owned by black people than white people, and to this day I cannot possibly imagine being that stupid and also remembering the breath.
  6. Yeah, but they’re all gonna die of the rona so….
  7. If the answers aren’t “in the ground” and “no, they’re dead” in that order then I don’t fucking care.
  8. Maybe the first sign Trump wasn’t bulletproof was when he lost his own reelection?
  9. I also have stayed in New Mexico for too long. Here’s to a speedy recovery.
  10. Of all the questions raised by the plot of ghostbusters, “why does no one remember them” is the least concerning. It’s like asking why Indiana Jones is still a womanizer when he has experienced the literal wrath of god. Who cares?
  11. Yeah, lots of kids got the old Sir Osis of Liver gag back then too.
  12. My hopes for REverse are non-existent, but you could have made the same argument about the development of 7.
  13. God damn, who built and installed your windows and do they have a US visa?
  14. Netflix makes films and tv shows, two areas that are relatively well covered by trade guilds and unions. Game making doesn’t enjoy anywhere near that much protection, it’s probably cheaper for them overall.
  15. I give it a month before they cite sharing Netflix accounts as a crime and point to NYC as a hotbed.
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