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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Is Oprah still quietly massive and I just don’t encounter the people who follow her or has her influence waned and she’s just living large off the past two decades?
  2. I swear, you should have to pass some sort of basic media literacy test before you are allowed to post takes online.
  3. Imagine getting an executive salary of $400k annually and bitching about having to do this once a month
  4. My spoiler free review: It was good. I enjoyed it a lot actually. If anything, I was expecting it to be way more meta than it actually was. Sadly at no point does Lana Wachowski appear as herself and lecture the audience at length about chud appropriation of the term redpill. To that end I don't even know how someone can be genuinely angry at it either, it's not as much of an outright fuck you to reactionary conservatism as early whispers lead me to hope. It feels like the Matrix ditched half baked pseudo -philosophy to focus on nostalgia and human connection both in how those can be good and bad. Really the only complaint I have is that while it still brings back many gorgeous practical effects, and while CGI has become dramatically better in the intervening years, big graphics setpieces still have a fraction of the impact of the original. The Matrix made you wonder how the fuck they were doing these things, now you know it's just computers spitting this stuff out and it just kind of melts together. Big fights without a single actual human or real life location don't move the needle for me anymore.
  5. Embracer Group strikes me as a name someone writing a dystopian sci-fi novel would nix for being too in the nose.
  6. You have infinitely more faith in people dying with all their shit settled than I do.
  7. Ghosts aren’t real and we should all really fucking hope that’s true because an eternity in a lake of fire sounds better than being stuck forever in the building I died in occasionally being able to confuse/inconvenience people on a rare occasion.
  8. Your house isn't haunted, your daughter is gaslighting you. The coincidences will continue to pile up by her hand as she slowly chips away your sanity.
  9. A combination of mandatory minimums combined with a mandatory consecutive sentence as opposed to concurrent.
  10. The Greatest Showman was 2017. Les Miserable was 2012 which mentally seems impossible. It's been a while since one of these hit and hit big, I think COVID is part of the problem but also missing the train by half a decade.
  11. I think the relatively toxic word of mouth has more to do with it.
  12. I don’t know if it’s entirely that, what’s the last movie musical that really did well? It feels like their time came and went half a decade ago.
  13. Elon Musk is absolutely the man of the year 2021. Wrong about basically anything he has an opinion, entitled and oblivious, actively making everything worse, and terminally online for no good reason.
  14. That’s confusingly worded, I assume it means all three combined in 2014 outsold all three combined now.
  15. Have friends in Bowling Green. They were extremely lucky and had no damage, but more or less all of their friends in the area either had damage or just total loss.
  16. Michael C Hall must have the most charming agent on the planet.
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