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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Miller: We should get rid of this dude, he’s a crook Santos: womanbeatersayswhat?
  2. Did Chauvin have Covid when he was stabbed? If so, the chuds are leading me to believe the stabbing is irrelevant…
  3. Oh believe me, anyone involved with Moms for Liberty can get fucked by an out of control freight train made of rust and used needles. All I’m saying is that the two arguments negate each other. It’s like arguing you didn’t shoot someone but also it was self defense.
  4. You can’t claim it was a railroad situation with false allegations and also claim entrapment.
  5. The fact that some people have bad reactions to vaccines is functionally meaningless. That isn’t to downplay their own personal consequences, but on a large scale they should be ignored. There are a handful of car accidents where an airbag or seatbelt actually makes things worse, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be used all the time.
  6. The thing about celebrity voice casting is people will treat them like a celebrity. Pratt went on tons of talk shows, Jack Black went around in an awkwardly tight Bowser costume, things like that. People found out about this movie or were reminded about this movie because of the people involved, denying that is foolish. No one is booking Charles Martinet on Stephen Colbert. Now, you can argue endlessly that the extra money needed to hire these people is not being recouped enough to justify the investment, that’s a different story, but they are getting bang for their buck.
  7. Putting firm flesh inside of your body and feeling it fill you up until you’re satisfied? Sounds gay.
  8. Let me be clear, I’m not not the side of “US does nothing” because I don’t have feelings about the sides here, I just have stronger feelings about the US’s ability to not make it worse.
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