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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Afterlife was forgettable fan service fluff which also somehow managed to botch the original characters, so I’m not expecting much out of this.
  2. I think O’Reilly has quietly moved on to being a very successful non-fiction author with his series of “The Killing of…” books even when the title makes no sense at all. I have no idea if they’re any good or less dripping in horseshit than his usual output, and I have no interest in finding out either.
  3. ALL people who listen to country music aren’t the worst scum to ever walk the earth, but ALL the worst scum who walk this earth listen to country music.
  4. A handful of games have given me bad motion sickness in recent times. RE4VR on the oculus with full motion on absolutely ruined me after about twenty minutes. DOOM being played on a big screen with whatever absurd fps it can pull on a modern pc made me queasy. RE7 did it too before I messed with some settings. Bad depth of field and FOV can really mess with you. As stupid as this might sound, just google the game giving you problems with motion sickness and someone has probably done the work of figuring out what to toggle in order to make it better. That’s how I looked up what to switch off on RE7 and it did the trick.
  5. I don’t understand what the mental block here is. I don’t agree with the death penalty at all, but in a world where it must exist for some reason then it should absolutely be painless and humane. If it isn’t, then we’re no better than the people we’re executing, we just followed more formalities beforehand. The fact that we treat terrible people better than they treated others is literally the point.
  6. God can create the entirety of existence, but can’t make themselves clearly understood. Good to know the almighty is speaking through a fucking tin can with a string in it.
  7. Yeah, at this point what has she got to lose? Fleece donors at worst, swoop in to save a sinking ship at best.
  8. Only one of those is really “in the zeitgeist”, COD is consistently popular but not talked about at large the way it used to be, and the rest just have large cult followings. I imagine at best Palworld will end up like all the other massive games of its ilk, a consistent amount of people will play it for a weirdly long time, but outside of that group no one will talk about it. Tens of thousands of people are playing Valheim right now, but no one talks about it.
  9. The man looks like he hasn’t experienced real joy in decades and he’s smiling purely off of muscle memory that has faded.
  10. Oh they absolutely goosed it to make it look better. His video showed up in my feed unprompted without it being labeled as promoted or an ad, and it showed up in my following section.
  11. Palworld Execs Brace for Hbomberguy Video HARD-DRIVE.NET Palworld, an ARK-like game described as Pokemon with guns, has seen concurrent player numbers swell into record-breaking territory this week. But according to execs behind…
  12. Heartwarming: Republican Donors Raised $300 Million to Help This Man Satisfy His Humiliation Kink THEHARDTIMES.NET When Ron DeSantis announced his intentions to finally get off by embarrassing himself nationally, the kinksters of the Republican Party knew they had to step up. What is his approval in Florida at this point anyway?
  13. I have people unload that shit at me from time to time and I genuinely think it’s just because I’m white.
  14. I watched remap play some of this yesterday and it seems fine I guess? The worst thing you could say about it is that it looks and feels creatively bankrupt.
  15. I don’t know, I don’t hear ANYTHING about DeSantis anymore. Honestly all I think he’s doing is blowing his chance at a VP pick and nothing else. What even is the point of a primary if the entire thing is a competition of who will do everything Trump would do? What are the meaningful policy distinctions between any of these people? It’s a rat race to be RC cola when Coke is still on the menu. Good fucking luck.
  16. “A member of the white nationalist group NatSoc Florida”. Sounds like a real pinko commie liberal to me. Find a place where I defended these people or anyone like them.
  17. Really? That’s the bar? Does EVERY discussion on this issue have to start with the statement “what Hamas did was terrible?” If Bibi ate a live puppy on television would I have to restate that Hamas is a terror organization before I said that the puppy eating thing was fucked up? It’s a new article discussing new information, and I didn’t even pick apart the article. I questioned what I feel like is a knee jerk reaction I see more and more often that is seemingly based on nothing but a desire to muddy the waters by intrinsically linking anti-Semitism with being opposed to the actions of this specific Israeli government.
  18. I’m not questioning the rise of incidents, I’m questioning the assumption that somehow it’s liberals that are responsible for the rise.
  19. I don’t necessarily believe that being opposed to Israel is the same thing is being anti-Semitic. Clearly lots of VERY anti-Semitic people can also be very pro-Israel.
  20. “Vote harder” is, temporarily, a more sellable call to action than “assemble the guillotine.”
  21. John Landis MasterClass Teaches Aspiring Filmmakers How To Beat a Manslaughter Rap THEHARDTIMES.NET MasterClass released a course on circumventing manslaughter charges taught by filmmaker, and director of a movie segment which claimed the lives of three actors, John Landis.
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