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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. When I got my wisdom teeth removed, they gave me large doses of ibuprofen at first, but then my gums became so swollen they actually covered my back teeth. Any time I moved my mouth I was actively chewing my gums, so they gave me more antibiotics and oxycodone. I only took them until the swelling went away and it wasn’t a problem anymore. I didn’t get any good feeling out of taking them other than the absence of pain, but it did make everything feel slightly off. I had dumbbells in the basement that I could lift up and just feel nothing. Not like I was stronger, I could see my arms have to work like normal but there was none of the effort or burn.
  2. I think you can make an interesting origin story for a villain, but the villains that have been getting movies recently? Cruella DeVille wanted to skin a hundred puppies for a coat. It’s hard to make an origin for that.
  3. Im not saying it doesn’t make sense, I’m saying she’s looks like a totally different person.
  4. Seems like a weird choice to consciously hide the fact that this is a musical, especially given that it’s already a famous musical. Didn’t work out great for Mean Girls.
  5. The chicken wing nonsense isn’t even an inflation problem. They used to be almost nothing because basically no one used them for anything outside of stock. Now they’re very desirable, and you can’t scale production in the same way. You can’t breed bigger to solve the problem, and an order of wings is bare minimum three chickens.
  6. So what, Texas is going to bus migrants to blue cities just so Trump can send them back? Seems like a profound waste of money.
  7. I’m waiting for Taylor to kneel during the national anthem while simultaneously announcing her candidacy for presidency under the brand new Swiftie party just so every chud can die of a heart attack at the exact same moment.
  8. Trump could walk out on stage like Willy Wonka without the somersault and his supporters wouldn’t give a single shit.
  9. Yes, by all means, remind more people that you compared masks to the Star of David during the holocaust.
  10. "This Is Our Personal 9/11 Except We Can't Make Money From It," Says Toby Keith's Family In Touching Tribute THEHARDTIMES.NET The country music world was saddened today by the news that country star Toby Keith lost his battle with cancer, a passing that his family mourned as their “own personal...
  11. Whether or not it’s true I have no idea, but conspiracy minded folks are saying that four safe R’s who no one cares about were allowed to “defect” and kill the vote because it’s DOA in the Senate anyway. 99% of Republicans get to say they were in favor of it, they get to bitch and moan about democrats protecting their own, they don’t have the embarrassment of a failed trial in the Senate, and everyone will forget the four R's that voted no by the time it matters. No idea how likely that is or not.
  12. I don’t know what Ashkenazi is at and this point I’m afraid to ask.
  13. Wasn’t there a game that replaced its install with Shrek or something like that? I’m assuming that got nuked but I don’t know if Valve restored it to the previous working version or just erased it from existence.
  14. After a bit I found the gameplay weirdly satisfying. I set up a ludicrous zip line network for one zone so I could basically do all the deliveries in no time. It never managed to recapture the open world mad cap fun you could have with Phantom Pain, but it did create lots of incidental moments where I would misjudge a jump over a chasm and truly fuck myself.
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