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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. I don’t know about that, she’s not clinging to a political career the way Cruz is. I don’t know what Haley has planned in the long term, but Cruz needed to ride Trump’s coattails in a way she currently does not.
  2. Nintendo is absolutely the harshest on piracy of the big three, but at the same time I honestly wonder what some of these teams are thinking. Nintendo is openly known to be extremely litigious, you’re actively developing emulation software for their current generation console, AND you have a patreon taking money for it. It’s like painting a target onto itself and sending their attorneys your exact gps coordinates. There is plenty of Nintendo emulation out there that they are seemingly content to leave be. The Analogues and MiSTers of the world don’t seem to be getting sued into oblivion. I’m sure part of it is the method of emulation, but I’m sure a huge part of it is the effort simply isn’t worth it for protecting games that are decades old and they aren’t actively selling in any capacity.
  3. Dude looks like Todd from breaking bad got clean and into a loveless marriage.
  4. Why are the French far-right so apathetic about abortion?
  5. Yuzu Shuts Down to Better Emulate Video Game Industry HARD-DRIVE.NET Embattled Nintendo Switch emulator Yuzu has announced today that they intend to shut down the company as one last emulation of the entire video game…
  6. Taking the smaller L now instead of the bigger L at trial is 95% of lawyering. There is no tin foil hat required, that’s just the system working as intended.
  7. People were posting sub 1 hour speed runs of TotK on launch day. They didn’t figure it out and get that down in less than 24 hours, they were playing leaked emulated copies. We can argue back and forth about the actual damage of piracy and emulation endlessly, it’s always going to be theoretical. You can buy a steam deck and get switch emulation working fairly well out of the box with minimal effort.
  8. I think Sony and Xbox kind of skate by on power more than anything else. Yes, PlayStation and Xbox emulation are a thing, but you generally speaking need a PC more powerful and expensive than the current console to make it run worth a damn and older emulators aren’t eating into the current market so it’s hardly worth the effort. If you really wanted to run PS4 games, it’s way cheaper to buy a used PS4 or even a PS5 than a competent PC. Nintendo has its current platform at risk and compared to the other two actually consistently makes their older games available for a small fee.
  9. I was too young to see The Crow when it came out, but it was such a cultural presence that it got built up in my head as this super dark, gritty movie. Then I finally saw it and it’s goofy as all hell. I wonder if the remake is going to ditch that part of it.
  10. It’s a shame Biden isn’t the evil mastermind the right thinks he is, because I would just have a series of drone strikes waiting in anticipation of the decision.
  11. Mitch McConnell Kicked From Server for Too Much Lag HARD-DRIVE.NET KENTUCKY – Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has reportedly been kicked from the Senate Server for too much lag, sources confirm. “Those who want to…
  12. Mustangs are like tampons. All pussies get one eventually. It saddens me deeply that I actually kind of like the Mach-e.
  13. GoFundMe responds to calls to shut down Donald Trump fundraiser WWW.NEWSWEEK.COM A GoFundMe page was set up to pay for Trump's fine following his civil fraud judgement.
  14. This is like that bit in 30 Rock where they keep adding features to a microwave until they just reinvent the Pontiac Aztec, but now it’s cable.
  15. Is gofundme a site that gives you the money even if you don’t hit the goal?
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