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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. I mean, it is technically true and people do care about collecting trophies/achievements. It is a little odd for a game this popular and new to take essentially half of the content and remove it from the equation for an unknown amount of time. I could see removing it from the war effort or whatever but leaving the option to play private matches in some capacity. It just strange to think that someone buying the game today is getting half the experience everyone else did a week ago.
  2. Did they take the old kidney snout first, or is it still in there?
  3. The only thing Kiss hasn’t stuck their fingers into over the years is anything related to taste.
  4. Yeah I played some of that back in the day, either from a demo or from flying the black flag. It was very forgettable shooter fluff of the era, but not terrible like you might imagine.
  5. Clearly still butt hurt over Black Adam. Its extra ironic because chuds were giving him shit for letting his daughters put wigs and makeup on him recently.
  6. 4.7 magnitude earthquake hits NJ, shaking felt across Northeast including Philadelphia area 6ABC.COM A 4.7 magnitude earthquake hit Hunterdon County, New Jersey on Friday morning, with shaking felt across the Northeast, including Philadelphia. Just felt this in my house working from home today.
  7. Can we seriously just let this shit go? It’s exhausting to see the same shit re-litigated in constant threads.
  8. Yeah, for the foreseeable future there’s absolutely no way we could be a one car household, my wife and I work an hour apart from each other. I’d be happy to go EV knowing that we’d still have her gas car to fall back on as I just drive to work and back and that’s it. Any longer trips I make regularly would still fall well within the range of most EVs with time to spare and there are fast chargers all over the place.
  9. I plan on running my Mazda until it dies/I suddenly come into a ton of money for some reason. I’m hoping that by that time the Rivian R3 will be out and vaguely affordable as my kids will be old enough that I won’t need a car seat or stroller anymore and I’ll need way less specialty crap when traveling.
  10. What was so bad about Dark Souls 2? I actually liked it quite a bit.
  11. As loathe as I am to link to TMZ, this is just too good: Ridley Scott Blocked From Home, Frustrated During Diddy Raid in L.A. WWW.TMZ.COM Director Ridley Scott appeared seriously frustrated after he was inadvertently caught in the crossfire, figuratively, during the federal raid on Diddy's Los Angeles-area home. Officer, you can let me pass, I made Alien. Also what are the odds that two dudes named Ridley and Diddy live so close to one another?
  12. I wonder why two completely mediocre Ghostbusters movies aren’t getting the same absurd amount of vitriol as a different thoroughly mediocre Ghostbusters movie…
  13. Lord knows if I committed an attack like this in Russia, the first place I would head is directly into the Russian military.
  14. I read somewhere that it’s not as helpful to him as you might think, at least not in the short term. He’s required to hold the shares for a certain amount of time, and I think at best can request a waiver in order to sell 1% quarterly at most. I’m not saying it’s nothing, but this entire thing isn’t going to be liquid wealth for the time being, and presumably not until the election is over.
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