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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Ironically, fast food places are pretty much the only place I drink soda anymore, unless you count cans of seltzer.
  2. Because you don’t do to them or because you don’t get soda?
  3. If you’re grading purely on fast food, then sure. Only judging fast food drive through style breakfast, I’ll give McDonald’s the edge over the rest. Maybe I’d give Chick Fil A the nod for the chicken egg and cheese biscuit, but the rest of their menu is average at best. Wendy’s is decent, Burger King and Taco Bell are trash, and while I have a guilty soft spot for the White Castle waffle sliders they aren’t GOOD and I don’t know if they even exist anymore.
  4. I haven’t been to a Red Lobster in… 15 years? They were never bad but they were also never good. I dunno, casual dining prices have risen to the point where the juice isn’t worth the squeeze most of the time.
  5. I’m sure Happy Gilmore will have to deal with Shooter trying to cancel him.
  6. Liam Neeson is really trying to pull a speedrun on being beloved to despicable isn’t he.
  7. I will not defend the stupidity of the update process BUT… …from my understanding when you trigger an update the car gives you multiple warnings that it’s going to start, that you shouldn’t open the doors, and that you should really get the fuck out of the car if that’s a problem. So if you’re sitting in a car in the heat and the car is very clearly warning you that you’re about to be sealed inside for some time, maybe it’s also partially your fault that you didn’t get the fuck out of the car. Teslas have a lot of problems, but “tiktoker gets stuck” feels more like engagement bait than anything else.
  8. King Charles’ first official portrait by Jonathan Yeo unveiled | CNN AMP.CNN.COM Artist Jonathan Yeo’s vivid red depiction of the British monarch draws comparisons to blood and hellfire. Tell me this isn’t the most “insanity effects are at maximum” shit you’ve ever seen.
  9. I took guitar lessons for a bit and I also played a fair amount of Rocksmith to the point where I could reliably play a few easier songs from memory and do a half decent job. Unfortunately, I hit the same wall I do with a lot of stuff where I realized to get actually good I would need to dedicate actual and serious effort into it otherwise I would just stay at the same basic plucking level forever, and I just kind of stopped. That was years ago, so I know if I started now I’d be ever so slightly better than having not touched a guitar in my life, but that would be it. Also doesn’t help that I have weirdly small hands for a man my size and some chords were nigh impossible.
  10. Does the special effects blockbuster even exist as a genre anymore? Twister is a movie made for an era that doesn’t exist anymore, I don’t see why you’d bother to recreate it.
  11. For 70k they could at least afford to put some background music in their YouTube videos, god damn.
  12. There’s a $3,500 stroller which, let’s be real, is too much fucking money and a wheelchair that costs more than a brand new fully loaded BMW five series.
  13. Yes, and the practical effects are still generally pretty great. There’s some real clunkers in there, the severed arm is baaaaaaaad, but most of the dino stuff is good. Most if not all of the CGI of that era looks terrible in the light of ultra HD. It was never intended to be seen like that, it’s sharper and more detailed than what you saw in a theater. Go watch some of the prequels in 4k and turn on motion smoothing for good measure, your face will melt like that dude at the end of Raiders it’s so bad.
  14. Jurassic Park holds up in your memory, not in reality.
  15. Finished it last night. I thought it was 10 episodes for some reason and I was pumped to see where it was going only for it to end. I liked that they stuck with the more tongue in cheek style of fallout instead of trying to make it more prestige television like TloU or something in that style. I especially liked the brotherhood being kind of fuck ups. Way too often the fascist groups in these are played up as super competent and unstoppable and only lose by the grit and determination of the goods guys but there they just kind of suck. They’re assholes and morons who take power for the sake of taking it and don’t even really have a vision beyond that. Knowing that this show takes place further on than any of the games does bring up the problem I’ve always had with the series, which is that it’s been two fucking centuries and no one has re-learned how to cut a 2x4? The biggest issue I have with the show is it all just feels kind of… squishy. The characters and motivations sort of make sense, but also not really. Where the shows chooses to add or change lore just doesn’t make a ton of sense. Take the ghoul situation: The same kind of weirdness applies to the whole vault situation and overarching plot. It was a fun romp and I’m looking forward to next season either way.
  16. The reaction to this is absurdly overblown, but also this was a dumb move by Sony. Just offer people something like 500-1,000 super credits for linking accounts and you’ll get almost everyone without the outrage.
  17. You are correct and dumb was the wrong and overly harsh word to use. I just don’t see what the ultra wealthy see in it. Gambling minor stakes is entertaining to me because hey, a little extra money and if not then a little bit of fun along the way, but for someone who that money is meaningless to? What’s the thrill? Where’s the high?
  18. I don’t know, I have dealt with all types over the years and they ALL love gambling. Hell, I enjoy the occasional table game from time to time, but I like a casino experience because it’s this kind of otherworldly thing. It’s like Disney World in a lot of ways, everything is artifice. There isn’t a single jagged corner that isn’t smoothed down and polished to prevent any barriers between you and spending your money. I also feel like a casino keeps me honest because I see my physical money come and go, it’s not just numbers on a screen and a refresh button on my balance. I think it isn’t that poor people are dumber about gambling, I think it’s that they just have that much less to lose and losing actually hurts. One of my law school professors used to help run a casino and they would get people like sheikhs fly in from over seas, lose a hundred thousand dollars in a night and just roll with it. Yes, they can obviously cover the tab, but at the same time the winning is nothing to them either.
  19. Should’ve done the drugs before you took up the loans and thought that a shady for profit art school was on the level.
  20. You sure about that? I’m fairly confident they just looked out in the alley five minutes before air and found a chick with huge honkers to headline in order to own the libs or something.
  21. Sydney Sweeney went on SNL and showed cleavage which, apparently, is something woke leftists have destroyed. She got propped up as some icon of what liberals have tried to destroy because no one sees a big titted blonde on TV anymore, which is odd because she’s famous for being on TV. Anyway, a few weeks after she’s on SNL her new movies comes out which is about a pregnant nun and a presumably evil convent, and people were upset that somehow Hollywood was trying to take back Sydney Sweeney now that she had become a darling of the right. So somehow Sweeney became an icon of the right because boobs despite the fact that conservatives constantly bitch up sexuality on TV. Then, somehow, a movie that was written, filmed, and edited months to years ago was actually created specifically to make the right hate her.
  22. The speed and stupidity of chud outrage is incredible. The Syndey Sweeney fiasco was breathtaking to behold.
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