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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Is it a "google account" ban or a "youtube account" ban? I've had my youtube account banned (a long time ago) and I had access to every feature except for uploading videos to youtube.
  2. She can come to my island and take my peaches.
  3. I initially thought that maybe since the material is so violent they didn't want to go down that route. I mean Makaku is a brain eating, worm headed cyborg (which would be cool to see) but I figured the fights with him or so violent and him eating brains and killing dogs and such would have to be toned down for the PG-13 rating. But later on the slice open Zapan's face which was much more graphic than any depiction of that part so it was confusing. After having watched the Anime it seems like they looked at that and adapted that instead because the movie seems to line up closer with the anime than the manga. Like I mentioned above they even included Chiren but I feel like there was no reason for her to exist. Heck even at the end when they reveal what happened to her I felt the revelation landed with a thud rather than "OMG"
  4. Also, look at a site like Rottentomatoes. To be considered fresh it needs to be at least 60% though even those scores are somewhat polarizing.
  5. Well my own personal scale is something more like @crispy4000 mentioned earlier 10, perfect basically, 9 great, 8 very good, 7 average, 6 below average 5 bad. Once you get to five it's basically how bad is this bad game. So 5 is bad, and 4 is even worse of a bad, and so on.
  6. You could also read music notes and play the song in your head so 3/3!
  7. I think Giant Bomb is not very journalistic in the slightest at least as far as this thread goes, at least it seems that's what the OP was thinking of. Generally they have no idea what's going on and they read the news on the spot and give an opinion of it. Giving an opinion of a game they like I don't think is the journalistic take the OP was asking for either.
  8. There's a nice life hack conversion for this. Fahrenheit to Celcius is Temp in F - 30 divided by 2 (60f - 30) / 2 = 15c And do the reverse to calculate C to F (15c x 2) + 30 = 60f But it seems to break when you get to that extreme cold. 🤷‍♀️
  9. It's basically the peace sign Hill throws up when he's running into the end zone. The buccaneers guy did it to taunt him and got flagged for it.
  10. You just have to eat your cereal faster.
  11. Remembering ESPN SportsCenter reporter Pedro Gomez - ESPN Front Row WWW.ESPNFRONTROW.COM ESPN is shocked and saddened to learn that our friend and colleague Pedro Gomez has passed away. He was 58.
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