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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Microsoft recently acquired Bethesda. As a result a bunch of Bethesda games, including Dishonored, became a part of Game Pass.
  2. I dunno, in CA they extended benefits for an extra year pretty much. I know I got extended twice.
  3. Then again the reviewer may never have encountered a bug, it's not even a matter of rushing through it. It's just one person. You'll see a lot more people crying about bugs because not all bugs happen to everyone. Your favorite youtuber, Jim Sterling, seemed to be having a heck of a time getting Outriders to run, in fact it was so buggy they could only play it for 2 hours before they asked for a refund. But the opposite happened with their impressions, people were telling them it worked fine, etc. Not in their experience. So pointing out bugs is a two way street. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
  4. I've had it on steam for quite some time, unplayed of course. If you'd like to be like me it's $4 on steam for 2 more hours!
  5. Man I fired up my PS3 today and I forgot how archaic the system design is. You download the games then you have to install them manually then delete the install. Also, I have 2 DS3s and either of them can barely hold a charge anymore it seems. I was able to get one to charge the other one seems like it's not going to work any longer, I was lucky to even find a spare cord to plug the second one in with.
  6. Porn has changed a lot, perhaps you'd find it more interesting. Did you know there's a porn where girls stick eels in their butthole? How is that boring?
  7. But aren't we supposed to get mad at him for not doing anything a month ago?
  8. Resident Evil Village player figures out how to reset demo timer on PC | PCGamesN WWW.PCGAMESN.COM Spend a little extra time checking out the sights
  9. They say it's the DLC suits, so supposedly sticking to your original suit is the safest. The more things you kill with it the further it upgrades.
  10. There are a variety of reasons to watch someone play a game and some of them even date back before twitch days. a. I think this is the biggest reason, people watch for the person who is playing not necessarily the game. You watch the person reaction, say stuff, their insight perhaps, generally if the person is cool enough the game doesn't matter. Someone like a Dr. Disrespect was a total character and sure he was good at the game but people were mainly there because he was an asshole. I feel like this is closer to "wasting your time" watching a talk show than "wasting your time watching someone play a video game" b. Someone want to watch a person who is highly skilled. Let's face it, you're never going to be as good as Justin Wong but it's pretty cool to see him pull off some stuff. So watch him play and that's fun. Same for esports, you're watching people who are really good at the game play, and maybe you'll get something from it, maybe you won't but "Why not play the game?" is not a valid excuse. Also, this hearkens back to the arcade games when you'd go to an arcade (at least I did) and watch people duke it out in MK. Sure you could jump in and play but I never did. I'd watch some MK and then go play some beat em up, get my quarter's worth of money. c. The least engaging but also valid reason is, maybe you just want to see what the game is before you decide to play it. If you're iffy on a game or just want to see what it's like, watch someone play it to get a grasp of what it is first. Also, with these console shortages sometimes the only thing you can do is sit back and watch someone play a game. At the end of the day it's a form of entertainment and no more a waste of time than watching a TV show or a sports game.
  11. The article doesn't say what game he was playing. We need to know!
  12. They released one in 2012 for PS3 called simply, "Twisted Metal" I never played it.
  13. Pretty cool making of video here, it kind of highlights the things I said. Good looking backgrounds, detailed characters and great music.
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