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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. You can get those in Pennsylvania?
  2. This will be great until people start making games based on Nintendo IPs with this and Nintendo starts taking them down.
  3. Well, I wrapped this up tonight (not that it's too difficult to do with this show ) I think after the first couple of episodes you come to terms with some of the more fantastical elements, but I also think that even after you come to terms there's somewhat a shift and the show takes on a more traditional / spiritual / magical aspect which I think is a little more enjoyable. At only six episodes I think the pacing is quite high yet they still fit enough backstory and such in, though it is perhaps a bit too fast for you to make an emotional connection. That being said I think by the end Saki became one of my favorite characters. I stand by most of what I said about the animation. The characters are very detailed and that's great. Daimyo remind something out of Thundercats. I was still a little bothered by how the armor looked and the leather on Nikita. I thought the CG effects were pretty good, very plentiful towards the end. They kind of mask a lot of the more motion heavy animation which as I noted earlier doesn't look as smooth at times. The voice acting is pretty good I though. I really only listened to the English dub and from what I gather most of these people are professional voice actors. The issue with that is it kind of makes Stanfield stand out as not being a voice actor (though I guess he's got some experience with BoJack Horseman). He sounds a bit uneven at times and even in the video above he admits that he wants to get into voice acting more. I can understand at the beginning him sounding a bit drab because he was a sad drunk but later on some of the readings sound kinda off, but he does an alright job most of the time. I'm not sure if they will make more episodes but I would welcome some more. They could take a Castlevania approach where the first season feels kind of like a proof of concept thing and the next seasons get more episodes and a more fleshed out and slower paced story.
  4. Wade literally acting like if he saw nude pics of Belle Delphine that they wouldn't do anything for him.
  5. To add on to this, I don't know how many of you n00bs playing are aware but if you are struggling in the first area, you can go back to your ship and sleep to recover your health.
  6. I've probably said this already but my dad was a republican right around the George W Bush days but switched over and he said, "Republicans are crazy" if he said that back then he certainly would be in for a treat today to see what they look like now.
  7. This certainly comes as a surprise but not a surprise really at all at the same time. Recently it's seemed like maybe these guys hearts weren't into it as much now as it was pre-pandemic. Seeing Brad with his salt and pepper beard and Jason who can barely see feels kinda like watching a bunch of old rock stars go at it. I feel like the format of Giant Bomb that was innovative at the time, like let's just play the games and let people watch (But who would watch video games WTF right @Commissar SFLUFAN and @best3444?) and they could get an idea of the game without having written a word. But when last year happened the format felt somewhat archaic especially in the time of Twitch. I mean these guys have a set schedule and then someone else takes over and I just thought why don't all of them do something? And weekends rolled around and they would not have any content because it's like a 9-5 job. It's interesting when Abby left because she immediately set up her own twitch stream, and I'm not sure how well she's done for herself but 14k followers is nothing to scoff at. I'm sure she's doing well for herself, a more flexible schedule and can go longer than any giant bomb content goes for. Sad to see them go and will be interesting to see what happens to the site now. Alex was the best Rock Band drummer 🌹
  8. I guess at some point Epic bought Artstation and gives 12% cut to creators (or 8% - 5%) ArtStation is Joining the Epic Games Family - ArtStation Magazine MAGAZINE.ARTSTATION.COM ArtStation is joining the Epic Games family. Together, we’ll accelerate the development and growth of the creator community worldwide. %
  9. I thought I might have gotten fucked because the first time I played it post patch I got that infinite falling bug where you just fall through the map and never touch the ground. I quit out and returned and things were back to normal. That would be the first time I had experienced a bug in this game.
  10. Every time I see representation of some alien in a video game or movie I generally am not surprised with the overall design. They always design an alien to have a head on top and arms and legs. But what if there was an alien that was not built that way? What about sentient blobs or maybe the head is the abdomen and all sorts of wacky stuff. I always thought, "What if there was an extraterrestrial creature as a hero, and his skills were just what we could comprehend as a human (Something like black goo) and a description of what it does but we don't know what the actual stubstance does just how it would affect a human body." Every so often a game goes against the mold, like the Hanar from Mass Effect or the aliens in Returnal (which kind of just look like the aliens from the matrix) but mostly they are all humanoid looking.
  11. You should have filled up some water balloons with food coloring and thrown it at them.
  12. I don't know why you guys are saying DF said it was locked at 60. They showed and said it wasn't in that video I posted earlier.
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