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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Looks like he's got stuff up on bandcamp so you can hear it somewhat easy Return to Forever by Chick Corea
  2. Yeah but aren't they supposed to be working on a sequel?
  3. I saw The Last Jedi once in theaters with my friends. I was the only one who came out enjoying it. Perhaps it was because The Force Awakens was so disappointing that my enjoyment was heightened. But it was certainly a movie I enjoyed less the more I didn't see it and think about it. Sayswho is right, it is beautiful to look at which I think heightens the enjoyment and perhaps distract you from the fact nothing else about the movie is good.
  4. @EternallDarkness I'm opening my gates now. You have to come get it because he had 3 authentic paintings today.
  5. Since DVD AF died I wanted to do something like this for my DVD collection but it takes time to set up. Personally I have my collection set up through gamespot / giant bomb which is nice until that feature gets axed too I guess.
  6. All the missing features of the Epic Games Store is savings that goes right into the Developer's pockets! And you as a gamer should feel warm and fuzzy having sacrificed your user experience so the devs can make more money
  7. And if he doesn't retire in your gear at least get something out of it rather than let him walk.
  8. Patch 1.1 Patch notes: - Performance optimizations across the whole game - Eliminated gameplay bugs in various locations - Eliminated known game crashes - Eliminated game bugs reported by the community - Graphical bug fixes across the whole game - Improvements in camera operation and settings - Scene lighting fixes in various locations - Fixes for reported crash issues when loading saves - Improvements in interactions with in-game events and characters across the whole game - Raytracing optimizations across the whole game - Game sound fixes Maybe this will fix my complaint about how the game kinda runs terribly towards the end. Edit: Fuck me in the butt! The patch is 17 gigs!
  9. Not a lot of people like replying to these death threads. I'll say that my friend sent me a message yesterday about this too. 😢
  10. Square has to make up that Avengers money somewhere!
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