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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. At the end of the day at least one of you two will have played it enough to pass judgement of how much of a perv or not a prev one might be. 🤔
  2. But you had to wait till Halo 3 to finish the fight!
  3. This game is better than RDR2 and look at the graphics! Basically @best3444 would jizz his pants at this game it looks good.
  4. The difference (one of many) is, your code never changes. They've had a unified system since 2002 and you can message people, voice chat, group chat, gift games, trade items and a whole lot of things that you can't do on Nintendo systems because their stuff is all fragmented. Heck they didn't even have a digital account system for the Wii, if you bought it it's probably gone now.
  5. Because Snyder has assaulted his all of his audiences just by making movies means there's no one left to come forward, we are all victims. Where as Whedon has brought us so much joy the only thing that's left are negative things.
  6. I probably won't be playing the beta, I mean, maybe I'll try it out. They do say you don't need PS Plus to participate which is a PLUS (see what I did there) I'm thinking of playing Giovanna or maybe Valentine - Both seemingly play completely different of course so I'm going to have to see how I like how they play.
  7. It has voice chat (if you download the amazing app and talk on your phone!)
  8. Clearly you're a man who marches by the beat of his own drum. RDR2 GOAT / Animal Crossing IDGI 🤷‍♀️
  9. Keyser_Soze


    I file before the 15th.
  10. Would have been better if Jason Alexander was making that tweet.
  11. Hard to bring up Newsom in this. I think he went both ways of trying to appease the masses. You had the CHUDS who where against lockdowns and masks of any kind, and then "followed science" and tried to make them happy and reopened everything so in a way he failed both sides but one side was always going to hate on him.
  12. Halo 4 could have benefited from being split into more than one game though.
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