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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Did you have the sexy beard back then?
  2. Well, to be fair Tekken would have been the only one I played around her really. Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter were more of a dad thing. I had a Genesis at my dad's house and on the occasional weekend I'd go down to the the mall where they had an arcade and MK was played there. I never played MK much myself. Also, I had no friends to play it with. It wasn't until I got a Playstation that I got into fighting games (and Tekken) which I'd play at my mom's house. And my friends and I would play Tekken 3 a lot! As for Overwatch I was moved out by then so, she's got an excuse.
  3. She was a teacher and says her kids were into Minecraft and Roblox. That's more into it than some people who post here.
  4. Update - I said she could google and she gave me these: Street Fighter: Ryu Mortal Kombat: Raiden ~ here's where things get interesting ~ Tekken: Kazuya Mishima Overwatch: Zhenjiang Some deep cuts from the google search 🤔 She did add she had NEVER heard of the Tekken or Overwatch games before. So I guess that settles it!
  5. Being her Son maybe she could have picked up on some of the games I was playing, but it appears not. She never disappoints in this respect. She STILL* wouldn't be able to recognize a Metallica song if I asked her while it was playing. *For context when we rode in the car and a song came on the radio, I'd ask her what song it was and she would never know, even after Metallica so many times. Then her first answer always turned into Metallica no matter what band it was.
  6. If you don't eat it gives you that edge. #StayHungry
  7. I asked her if she could name a character from Street Fighter, MK, Tekken or Overwatch. She couldn't name anyone from any of them!
  8. They realized they could re-release them every generation for full price and people would buy them.
  9. Other than Pudge I wouldn't say that any dota character is wildly popular outside of the game. They're generic versions of Warcraft characters and thus really have no character themselves. LoL on the other hand (like you mentioned) have tons of personality (and are wildly popular).
  10. I'm sure they're happier being together than they would be being a royal.
  11. I think I'm going to pull a @GeneticBlueprint and ask my mom if she knows anyone from these games. For science!
  12. Speaking of blasphemy and FFT, War of the Lions is on ios, but I've yet to fire it up. Do you know if this is a straight up port or have they done anything to the gameplay?
  13. Can't you stack attacks in the Dsigea games? I'm pretty sure there are a lot of tactical RPGs out there that you can do this in.
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