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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. It's true and unfortunately the double standard everywhere you look. Women just want a place at the table but men chase them off or try to hold them at a lower standard than themselves. I think when it comes to gaming it's even worse. Women will get harassed online just because they are a girl, either someone wants to hook up with them or they'll try to belittle them for just trying to play a game. A woman always has to loo perfect or some guy will mention something (No makeup, she's ugly / too much makeup, she's a slut / wearing something comfortable that shows cleavage, she's trying to be provoacative/ and so on) yet a guy will never run into this Tides are shifting slowly and at the same time more disgusting than they have ever been. Back when I was a kid anyone who played video games was a nerd outcast. These says being a "nerd" of something is a badge of honor, and girls will proudly proclaim they like video games, when back in my day it was something to be laughed at. It was also generally understood that it was a thing for boys. I personally only knew one girl who played video games (PC games at that, that's where I first saw Day of the Tentacle ) but yeah, it was weird I only went to her house once and she was kind of a distant memory, but I certainly would have loved to have seen as many girls today that play games when I was growing up. So they are trying to make game characters more inclusive, adding more female characters, realistic looking ones not barbie dolls, and then the game characters are trying to be held to the same standards as real life women. So yeah, a long way around of saying men suck I guess. @Greatoneshere can finish my thoughts for me.
  2. I put some solid time into Outriders and dare I say I've encountered a part of the story where things might have gotten interesting?
  3. There seems to be people who don't like Sony's "ugly" ladies. Don't know if any of you have seen the comments from Returnal but yikes. That being said I do think Anne Beyer looks better than what they have in the game.
  4. Yeah so get your shoes on already, I'm waiting!
  5. Yeah would be a great time to sell my 2080ti if only I could get ahold of one of the newer cards.
  6. Spectrum has been pretty good where I live. Certainly better than Cox back when I had that.
  7. So I gave this game the old college try. I implemented the above fixes (the resolution and framerate). I didn't try the game before the resolution fix but I think it looks pretty good. Here are a couple of screenshots I think for the most part it looks good, textures haven't been updated on some parts of characters and on other parts they look fine. But for a PS2 game being upresed to 4k I think it looks good. Maybe something will happen with it as time goes on. As for the frame rate it's like a double edged sword. I think 60 is the way this game needs to run, the cutscenes look awesome in 60fps and 30 just looks bad, looks like the game runs in slow mo. The downside is I think the player movement speed is tied to the frame rate so if you set it to 60 it seems like the player runs in turbo speed, that being said even at 30 the movement still seemed odd but the player just moved slower. Beyond that I thought the English voice acting was pretty well done, so if you do decide to play this game you won't be suffering too much.
  8. Salty Houston fans throwing the ball back immediately
  9. Alone in the Dark wouldn't be a distant 3rd it would be forgotten from the equation. Heck I would mention Clock Tower before I even remembered Alone in the Dark was a video game series.
  10. I expected it to not be a good movie, that's what I expected and what I got but not in the ways I expected. Personally I do enjoy Event Horizon, MK and even thought the first RE was ok. But, this is a video game trend that seems to keep continuing for some reason. I guess people ended up enjoying Sonic, the movie that introduced lugging around a dumb human, so every video game movie decided to do the same thing.
  11. Microsoft Flight Simulator patch cuts the download size in half | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM "Some optimization" has reduced the full base game download from 170GB to just 83GB.
  12. Monster Hunter: 4/10 - There is like 20 or 30 minutes of solid actual Monster Hunter type material in this movie, the rest unfortunately is not. I think this movie follows the trend of trying to bring in an "everyman" type character (in this case Milla Jojovich) as if you couldn't create a robust new world that is it's own thing without bringing in someone from our world to make it relatable. The opening minutes show promise and then we more than half of the movie is spent establishing Milla Jojovich's character instead of the actual Monster Hunter's character (Tony Jaa) and it's mostly Milla Jojovich torture porn as she's just getting her ass kicked most of the time. The editing is disorienting (like constant cuts every 2 seconds or less), the writing is mostly cliche and the music is very odd (like Monster Hunter games actually have music and this movie goes some weird techno route) Like I said after over an hour in we get to something actually resembling monster hunter, there's a hideous Palico (how do you screw that up?) and then a very blue balls ending which lowered my score as I was prepared to give this movie a solid 5 but yikes, the movie isn't even finished! Also, for those wondering the controversial and not funny Chinese joke is not in this release. There are 2 jokes in the deleted scenes but they aren't that joke (and also not very funny either)
  13. This was just an idea that I had floated to myself some years ago where I used to live. Of course it was a pipe dream because they couldn't be even bothered to build a proper sidewalk there the 20+ years that I lived there. The best they did was add an asphalt curb to the side of the road to separate the road from the "sidewalk" There as a 2 lane street, followed by railroad tracks followed by highway 101 which was like 4 lanes and then you'd have all the businesses. But you weren't supposed to cross the tracks so if a cop saw you you'd get a fine. So a 2 minute walk would end up being much longer because you'd have to walk to a railroad crossing which were like a mile apart. So in this case I was like a "well if they made it so we could walk over all the traffic we wouldn't be breaking the law and we could travel places faster." type of idea
  14. I have, I think I played a demo of it back in the day. And Winback was awesome.
  15. They sure do Mario Golf™: Super Rush for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Game Details WWW.NINTENDO.COM Tee off with family and friends in this content-packed Mario Golf game
  16. As a rule of thumb, If it's a Microsoft first party game it should be on game pass.
  17. They should just have more pedestrian bridges like they have in Las Vegas.
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