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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Maybe he's talking about the sequel to that famous game bout the color red
  2. The moment was kind of a slow burn for me. I had been following the news since January and they kept talking about it. March rolled around, basically at my birthday things felt kind of weird even going to a restaurant. Then a couple weeks later at the hotel workers hours were being cut left and right until eventually it was like 2 people, and the hotel had like 5 guests. You could really feel it winding down. It was interesting because a week before I told a lady working there, "This might be the last time we see each other before quarantine," before quarantines were a thing. She was on the "the flu kills x number of people" bandwagon so she said, "we'll see!" and then a week later no one was really working there anymore. Funny to reminisce about this when we all could just go back to the beginning of the thread.
  3. I don't see any reason you shouldn't. I would say with how the PS5 is setup maybe it could lead to some issues between the new one and old one, however, the upgrade is called "intigrade" so maybe that is a distinguishing enough factor for the system to actually download the correct version. That is if you want to play it on PS5 down the line (and buy it)
  4. Aren't all of them open world technically? Just the old ones were overhead perspective like the old GTA games. Now they have the technology to see at least 10 feet in front of the player!
  5. And there are some places, like where I used to live, where the driver would actually stop and park at one location and walk around the block. He didn't stop at each mailbox. Maybe the solution isn't what kind of truck but what kind of mailperson. 🤔
  6. Regardless of the ending the show has Garret Dillahunt in it and that should be enough to make you want to watch it.
  7. There are still plenty of traditional JRPGs being released.
  8. A finger condom or gloves usually make my hands sweaty inside so that's also a reason it wouldn't work. I would probably try to be extra aware of the wetness and always dry off my hands, or maybe get some hand warmers, those could keep your finger dry.
  9. Jiu Jitsu: 5/10 - Written and directed by Dimitri Logothetis, Jiu Jitsu is a movie based on a comic book he wrote of the same name. The film never makes clear what "Jiu Jitsu" is. Obviously it's a martial art but characters mention it like it's an object or something, "he gave you Jiu Jitsu" but ... huh? In any case the movie is like if the predator was mixed with Mortal Kombat but instead the predator looks like the guy from Dead Space and shoots shurikens. Most of the cast are martial artists (not Nic Cage obviously but he tries) and the acting comes off that way. Nic Cage is obviously the best actor but I think Marie Avgeropoulos was serviceable as a dollar store Michelle Rodriguez. It seems like an ambitious movie with not enough budget to get away with they are trying to do. The cinematography is all over the place. Paul Greengrass would be proud of the beginning shaky cam, but suddenly it decides it would be cool to go into first person perspective and... yeah it's all over the place. The worst part is the action / stunts feel so choreographed that it's just kind boring. Nothing is unexpected because you as the viewer can anticipate the next move in advance. The movie is a mess, not even necessarily "so bad it's good" but "bad not terrible" See you in six years!
  10. I think that Sarah Connor Chronicles was proof that (as long as it's written well) a long form Terminator series can be good (and better than the movies)
  11. She'll be able to pay for the bail for the guys who shot the dog walker.
  12. the princess goes to the castle to fight the king in an epic rap battle while he’s touching his dirty asshole @SuperSpreader is being such a hassle
  13. “Danger Warning”: Women Say Madison Cawthorn Harassed Them In College WWW.BUZZFEEDNEWS.COM BuzzFeed News interviewed more than three dozen people as part of an investigation into allegations that Madison Cawthorn harassed women in college.
  14. Maybe this is how you got the herp. You touched your dick with your fungus finger.
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