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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Nose Over tail, I think, for me. So hard to choose though.
  2. Martian Successor Nadesico: The Motion Picture – Prince of Darkness: 7/10 Finally they made a motion picture about the Martian Successor Nadesico! The thing is going into this I didn't even know there was anything else related to this Nadescio stuff. Turns out the prerequisite to watching this is 1. There is an anime Series 2. Following the anime series is a Sega Saturn game 3. THEN this movie comes after the game. The homework perquisites show right away, however, as you are dumped right in the middle of some conflict. The pacing of the movie is insane and there is very little explanation of what is going on, well for the most part it is "This is A, I am A" and then we move on from there. This is almost like if you wanted to watch Star Trek: The Motion Picture but had to watch the original series first to get a grasp about what is going on in the movie. Though Star Trek TMP is easy to understand even if you haven't watched the show. Despite all of this I was still moderately able to enjoy the movie. The jumble of words in the title come down to this: Nadesico is the name of a battleship. Martian Successor refers to some sort of rebel group who take over a space ship (station?) and want to wage a war (I guess 🤷‍♀️ ) I thought the animation was actually pretty good for 1998. I think the future tech is pretty cool and there are even some Terrance Malick-like scene segues of nature and the environment and such. I did notice a blu-ray of the entire series and movie were released several years ago. I might consider giving it a look. As it stands I was watching the DVD version, picture was non anamorphic and a bit hard to watch with how chaotic the movie was.
  3. I don’t know where they stopped, all I know I knew some guy in high school who was very excited about Voodoo 2 graphics
  4. $10 to buy but the shipping is probably out the ass. (yeah $20)
  5. How roasted are the peanuts you get?
  6. This right here. Imagine not caring how your music sounds to be a cool music streamer.
  7. Looks a lot different than it looked last year (2 years?) at the Devlover digital event thing.
  8. I still have an ipod so I don't hog my phone with music.
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