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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Sure but they are doing everyone else a favor, saving everyone from having to watch Pro Smash.
  2. Stands seem to be pretty full. Who would have thought so many people would show up for Southern Utah vs San Jose State?
  3. I mentioned best for lulz. I would feel bad if I mentioned you because it was a similar pain.
  4. I don't think the government gets in the way of Genshin 🤷‍♀️ or the upcoming slew of Chinese games coming out (like Black Myth Wukong)
  5. Triloquist: 3/10 - Not sure what compelled me to watch this but it was not good. I think the movie is self aware that it is not good but the problem is it isn't in a good way. Imagine if Child's Play was like a dummy instead of a doll but with no explanation other than "magic" of how it works. Story, pretty bad, it's like a road trip movie I guess (like Sonic the Hedgehog) but they stop killing people and then make this girl they want to have the brother's baby special. Acting is quite poor as well and the writing is bad and fully of cringe slurs and stuff like that (you know the "f" word and "r" word) and yeah not very good.
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