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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. The issue isn't the color, the issue is the font color on the color.
  2. 37 and still hot. Truly a miracle.
  3. Yeah that's the issue. They look bad full width. They should be normal size, like whatever default size is on youtube.
  4. It's 2018 and you've listened to Toxicity for the first time? WTF?
  5. ETA on the youtube embeds being regular size?
  6. Maybe, if I decide to get something at all I'll throw the other stuff in too.
  7. Not enough semen in the testicles to keep up?
  8. Would be all over it if I didn't already own 9 of them.
  9. It also should be noted that The Final Season looks to play like a regular game instead of a point and click.
  10. On the plus side this eliminates the double topic problem where people would post the same thing on two different boards.
  11. Not that I think this is a bad idea for a thread but I don't recall a thread like this being on the music board.
  12. I've never really thought she looked "good" but she looks good for someone I never thought looked good.
  13. Actually I'd like my original member number. I believe I was #13 but here I'm #30.
  14. I wouldn't say it's very much like GTA. I'd say it's more like Shenmue with better combat, story and interesting characters.
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