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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. I brought this up to @crispy4000 a number of weeks ago.
  2. In before @SFLUFAN or @stepee gets it for you.
  3. If you don’t know you were never meant to post there
  4. My dad never could grasp the concept. I would send a text and he would call me asking if I called ??‍♀️
  5. However, I do think some would benefit from a different name Suggestion Box could be changed to “Help Center” or something since I think that reflect the nature of the board more. The Red Carpet could be changed to “The Show Floor” I think red carpet makes the board sound just for movies but the show floor encompasses the consumer electronics aspect but could also be considered as “Show” like any other entertainment medium. Tell me what you think @SFLUFAN ✌?
  6. The names are cheesy but I don’t care if they are changed back. ??‍♀️
  7. Played for an hour or so. I was the hunter chick. Interesting skill that allows her to fight anyone Biggest gripe so far is I wish the switch had a bigger screen and I find the writing a bit too much. Reading the olde English or whatever dialect they are trying to convey is more annoying than charming.
  8. Now they have to pay to get that C9 decal for the side of their gun rather than getting it for free!
  9. It's good. I currently have 0 forms of HDR.
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