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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Something like this? I only have one game that looks like this.
  2. So he misspoke and said he believes in US intelligence but did he misspeak when he said he talked to Putin and he said no?
  3. Here's a stage show of the beta demo they had at E3 the TL;DR if you don't want to watch it. - Greater emphasis on melee combat - Individual characters have different special skills - You have a camp that you upgrade with items you find on missions and also seems like some items you find you can craft items like lockpicks and such (for characters that use those skills) - There is a noise meter so hordes aren't just triggered by a witch (like in L4D) - There are humans, not everyone is a zombie. - There is character progression, skill trees, etc - Expect a lot of post launch content (like payday 2) Here's just straight gameplay of the beta mission (no interview)
  4. Well he finished a new Pusicifer and A Perfect Circle album so all that's left is Tool now.
  5. Yeah that was my complaint too. I guess it's blurry I dunno, I just said I wish the screen was bigger because you can't see any detail. I think some of the "blur" is because it has depth of field.
  6. So on Retro down here where it says content type, the color of the font is a bit off, but it only looks that way on Mobile. @Emblazon Not a big deal since I already know what it says, but maybe something to keep you busy I suppose.
  7. As someone who tried to organize MOBA Monday and it was shot down by every member of this community I will have to ensure your measure to make Fortnite Fridays a total failure.
  8. I remember in High School I told this guy a new Tool album was coming out and it was titled “Battlestar Galactica” He believed me and constantly asked when the new album was coming out. Then they released Lateralus in 2001. ?
  9. A tempting offer but I probably haven't touched my 3DS in more than a year.
  10. Does a milkshake count as a dessert?
  11. Obviously his dick didn't dive deep enough.
  12. I kinda like it that way. Less pressure and you can archive your gameplay so to speak.
  13. Well he doesn't really look like himself in this series. They did a good job with the makeup. Plus, there are plenty of people who don't know who anyone is. I know, I work with a lady and I can mention anyone famous and she shrugs.
  14. Also I remember there was an issue when you uploaded images that you'd reach a limit and it was hard to delete your personal images. Personally I'd always do the URL way. Something doesn't feel right about hosting it and storing it on the website directly.
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