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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. I'd rather have that than the stuff they put in the american movies.
  2. I've been streaming a lot of videos off the Giant Bomb app. I've had a premium membership for a year and figured it was probably a good time to actually watch some of that content I'd been paying for. So far it's been a blast though. Going through Ranking of Fighters right now. Finished all of 13 deadly sims last week.
  3. Alf can inquire to people and score you the solution to a bunch of side quests that earn a lot of money.
  4. The biggest issue with these movies is that the humans have a story.
  5. I dunno. Mr. Glass refers to superheroes an awful lot in Unbreakable. In fact Mr. Glass / Elijah is pretty much obsessed with them and even has a comic book art gallery / shop thing. The whole purpose of the movie is to establish that he's a bad guy and that Bruce Willis was his exact opposite, arch enemy.
  6. Clickbait headline that doesn't follow up in the article. ?‍♀️
  7. Yes both of them got married to women, but maybe it's just a hoax and they married each other.
  8. I use the free one and things seem to be going well for me.
  9. But it is more synonymous with movies, more specifically the Oscars. If someone says The Red Carpet they immediately think The Oscars. If someone says The Red Carpet I don't think "Metallica Concert!"
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