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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Personally I didn't think it lived up to the hype of being super terrible. In fact a lot of it was intentional, the style it was going for. See worse movies. (Actually you have and you like them. )
  2. Bears aren’t winning the division anytime soon so they need all the experience they can get.
  3. I felt that Shadowfall was the most different of the series, it was more like half life than anything. For the brief period of time I played it I enjoyed it more than the other games.
  4. I played it and beat it, it wasn't anything special and the writing is atrocious. F bombs every other word.
  5. Getting your limbs crushed and whatnot would be a lot quicker. No way you could maintain consciousness from that kind of damage. On the other hand calculated cuts can last you a long period of time.
  6. Eddie Furlong is bad but I never disliked him in Terminator 2.
  7. But he can turn his body into sharp blades and poke out people's eyes. That's a lot scarier than getting brutally beaten.
  8. Every month is Backlaugust for me.
  9. And here is the wonderful message the Devs leave you when trying to boot up the game
  10. It's like two characters are the same person, so yes it doesn't make any sense for you to not like it.
  11. Hmm I'm a bit more interested now seeing this isn't using the crappy Arma engine.
  12. I got it for $14.99 from Fanatical with a voucher code.
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