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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Just watch some gameplay it will answer a lot of your questions
  2. Didn’t old flash sales do this? There was one that was in 4 hour increments.
  3. You should already have a high res account from playing smite doe
  4. It’s easy if you go mage and Ranger, maybe even two mages. Magic is op.
  5. I’d like to but I just watch Chappie play it instead.
  6. Play it with @legend and it will be closer to 30 hours Id suggest myself but like I’m already going through it right now and stuff...
  7. I download these games after the season when you can play them longer than 10 hours anyway
  8. Try them with a friend. I started a new game of DOSEE with a friend and found the combat more enjoyable. Also, I learned my lesson from the first time I played and went mage
  9. The softness doesn't really matter, maybe a bit thicker is better but I'm mainly saying to use it to protect the screen from any bumps it may take during the move.
  10. Cool Chase Daniel is still in the league. "I've always wanted to see Chase Daniel play" No you haven't Cris. Nice try.
  11. Do you have a cashmere blanket? You want that to make sure the TV is very comfortable.
  12. Just put a blanket over it to protect the screen and it should be fine. Congrats on the job!
  13. That's why you don't eat German sushi.
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