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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Seems to be a charismatic guy who's good at burning trump. Is there a guy you know more about that you care about?
  2. Well they lick poop off their butt so it's not much of a surprise.
  3. There's something similar with Microsoft first party games. I had a couple I wanted to sell on Amazon but you need special permission to sell them.
  4. I haven't tried playing the game with M&KB but it works fine in the menus. I'm somewhat impressed the game prompts show you the controls for the last used method on the fly. I mean really you should be using a controller for this game.
  5. Screen Mode: Borderless Window Resolution: 2560x1440 Fame Rate: 60 V-Sync: On Resolution Scaling: High Texture Quality: Full Ambient Occlusion: High Volume Rendering Quality: Off Shadow Quality: Mid Anti-Aliasing: FXAA - I go back and forth on this one between on and off, FXAA really kinda makes stuff really blurry. LOD Bias: High Max LOD Level: No Limit Foliage Sway: On Subsurface Scattering: On Screen Space Reflection: On Anistropic Filtering: High Water Reflection: On SH Diffuse Quality: Mid Dynamic Range: 64-Bit Z-Prepass: On
  6. They did well against Atlanta's 2nd and 3rd string fo sho. If scoring 17 points is good.
  7. I'm getting 60fps at 1440p with a 980, i5 2500 and 16 gigs of ram. Is running the game at 1080 not an option for you?
  8. If your PC is as good as a PS4 then you probably can. There are a lot of options you can use to scale the game down. It even has variable resolution modes and such.
  9. Well Idris is a sexy guy and Kaluuya is a creepy guy so not quite right for the role.
  10. Yeah I'm pretty impressed with the PC version as well. Capcom didn't fuck it up. Also @Mr.Vic20's godlike PC probably couldn't run this 4k maxed.
  11. October Also you forgot Fighting EX Layer! And Pocket Rumble is kinda cool. And Under Night In-Birth exe:Late[st]
  12. Trying to get on that Monster Hunter World action. Spent like an hour just customizing my character.
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