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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. More like financing a console for two years and getting XBL and Game pass for the duration of it. Not a bad deal I suppose if you consider an S is $399, 2 years of live would be $120 and the total of this deal would be $528 so it's like free game pass for 2 years.
  2. Zac Efron That way he's not wasting that body being a blind cuck and shooting lasers out of his eyes.
  3. No because I'm the only one who posts Kpop stuff.
  4. They already did these places but they were the shitty 2D games.
  5. And Speed Demon also awesome. This guy at my work not fond of it though.
  6. I think a lot of things come out on Fridays now. I notice new music CDs come out on Fridays now, it was Tuesday a long time ago.
  7. I've beaten them both before so I'm not in a rush to play them, pretty much only watching TI this week.
  8. Random old game coming to the switch! At least @GameDadGrant will be happy!
  9. Well in the truck sims yes you are working but it's a driving game, you just drive from point A to point B, taking jobs and upgrading your trucking business and hiring employees and such. You can customize your truck all that stuff. It's fun really. Farming sim is like you have to go get seeds, you have to cultivate the soil, you have to do this do that, you're just basically on the farm the whole time and as far as I can tell there is no fatigue and time passes in real time so you work and can continually work and yeah it's a lot of work.
  10. I played and have Farming Sim 2013 and I don't think I could buy another game like this. Unlike Euro Truck Sim and American Truck Sim that are kind of fun and relaxing Farming Sim is way too much like working.
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