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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Pretty interesting, they pulled an "out now" and the game just updated http://www.dota2.com/grimstroke
  2. I really love you so far!
  3. Yeah was going to suggest a hard reset as well. Sometimes stuff on the xbone stops working. Just recently my controller refused to sync with the console. A hard reset fixed it.
  4. You're all thinking of this like bad news. Think positive! This news might mean we've finally found a cure for cancer and he no longer needs treatment for it!
  5. With the college football season starting up Saturday I figure now's as good a time as any to make this thread. No really great games though. Kind of odd since they had a season opener in Australia last year, this year we just get Prairie View at Rice
  6. @Greatoneshere I finished the HBO episodes and started the Netflix version. Still pretty good and the production values sure have gone up
  7. If you hate Seinfeld then maybe you’re the kind of person that is upset The Big Bang Theory is ending.
  8. They should have dropped 2 nukes on America or whatever @SFLUFAN says
  9. Hey welcome back! That's all I got.
  10. They wanted to have a game other than GOW, Halo or Forza.
  11. This is a series I've always wanted to get into but all the reviews about the shitty DRM kept me from playing them.
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