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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. And that's basically the problem. You can throw as many laws and regulations at someone you can but at the end of the day they own an apparatus meant to kill and if they snap afterward there's nothing you can do to stop it. Unless the regulation is "no one gets a gun" this will keep happening.
  2. It's pretty cool. A lot different from Hotline Miami though. It's more of like an overhead max payne with warping.
  3. Well the good news is after the 31st I can sell some of the items back and recoup the loss.
  4. The courthouse in here in Vista has metal detectors with guards and a big long conveyor belt. It's like going to the airport.
  5. There are plenty of disabled people who can play games competitively. Someone like Wheels for example has Spinal Muscular Atrophy but can compete at a high level in Killer Instinct https://sports.yahoo.com/killer-instinct-player-wheels-overcoming-disability-pro-204002264.html
  6. I'm assuming this is a very small tournament so EA probably had no say in the matter. Just like if you wanted to go host a tournament down at a LAN cafe, there would be very little security. However, security isn't the issue here. This guy had the gun on him, he went to the tournament with a gun meaning he was intending to shoot someone. A gun isn't a wallet, you don't need to take it with you unless you're going to use it.
  7. This was at a Pizza Place. If you've ever been to one they don't have much in the way of security.
  8. I have a confession to make, not very proud but I spent $300 dollars on a bunch of Trove Carafes for DOTA 2 just to get an extremely rare drop of the Axia of Metria for Mirana. That being said, I'm happy with it and I guess I'll have to play a lot more Mirana to justify it.
  9. He's married to Jessie James so maybe he wants to enjoy that.
  10. In order to post any topic you have to post it in a category, there is no "want"
  11. Not even a violent video game, yet he decided to kill a bunch of people.
  12. There's a link under the album art to embed, then you go through and choose a bunch of options of how you want it to look. The link is HTML so you have to switch to source and post the HTML.
  13. It's super easy and I do it all the time, just look at the embed options on the right Children of the Atom by BONEHUNTER
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