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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. I had no idea what this was, but I'm somewhat intrigued after the bump.
  2. Bullet time in this game is probably more similar to a VATS kind of thing. Heck even ME had a bullet time sort of thing when you were selecting powers on the wheel. You could play ES or Fallout in 3rd person but to do so you’d have to be a masochist.
  3. They brought Regina to that failed mobile puzzle quest game so It seems they haven't forgotten about Dino Crisis. I've never played an Onimusha game.
  4. But people paid their hard earned money to watch the starters for one drive!
  5. College football is on a roll this year. Maryland Ohio State Baylor keep em coming!
  6. They yearly thread of is NBA live finally going [to] be good No it's not.
  7. Not that anyone cares but I'm posting the finals ITT just for the sake of history. My final thoughts on the event. For me I've been watching these since TI4, so I've seen 5 of these events and I thought this was the best one. However, I thought it was a bit more inclusive than previous events. For newcomers, people wanting to get in it seems like they trimmed a lot of stuff away. The newcomer stream used to actually have casters (purge) explain what's going on in every match. I guess he did it for the group stages but not the main event. Speaking of Purge he used to do a statistical breakdown of sorts after each match and show highlights, that wasn't here this year. Even the All-Star game was different, instead of bringing in people in the stands plus pros it was just pros playing this year. But if you know what's going on and follow the personalities it was actually really great, the Sheever short film about her breast cancer was really well done. I liked "The Late Game" the late night show they had, especially the last night, it was like a legit late night show. The games were great and I felt that the crowd was as loud as ever. Great surprises were dropped like heroes out that night and the TI9 announcement also got some hype going. In any case those are my thoughts for now. Will be interesting to see when they'll schedule the matches for next year. Will they try to accommodate the time difference for western audiences or will they just play local time?
  8. So the guy has been hospitalized twice for mental illness, on antidepressants and bought the gun this month.
  9. Bacon posted a gif of it it's like on the first page of the thread. Also mentioned in the video I posted before the thread turned into a gun debate.
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