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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Very disappointed with you for calling him out on this. Anyone who writes this scene into a movie is a genius!
  2. When I was in high school I wanted to make video games, but then as I got older it seemed like it was a very volatile career.
  3. TNF game shows promise this week. If it is the Vikings from two weeks ago it should be good if it is the Vikings from last week it should be bad. Two undefeated teams playing this week. Miami trying to keep the Patriots down and Kansas City looking a bit unstoppable going against the Broncos. In case you didn't get the reference in the title:
  4. That looks good but what if you cut out the neck below the chin like the original one you made?
  5. It’s BC for on Xbone so maybe they felt it was redundant (Well SotN anyway )
  6. October 1 - 31 | Overcooked (Xbox One) October 16 - November 15 | Victor Vran (Xbox One) October 1 - 15 | Stuntman Ignition (Xbox 360) October 16-31 | Hitman Blood Money (Xbox 360)
  7. Why did they do a deal with Mexico if they wanted to keep Mexico out? Is this part of the them building the wall deal?
  8. Just a Beta for now, if the beta doesn't work out we are not going to go through with the cross play.
  9. America’s Army was cool because you could go to the shooting range, turn the gun on your commander and go to jail for murdering him ?
  10. Weird cutoff though, it needs the rest of the headdress and the beard thing.
  11. 49ers could probably trade for RGIII or Fitz now since there's no way in hell they will resign Kaep
  12. Defense didn't hold up their end of the bargain at the end.
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