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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Only two undefeated teams are out there, Rams and Chiefs. On the flip side there are no winless teams through 5 weeks which is impressive going by past seasons. So either a lot of teams are equally as bad or the bad teams got better.
  2. I will always have fond memories of it. It's genuinely good. The sequel is the one that has aged poorly.
  3. Personally I'm ready. It's always when the next card comes out we all say wait for the next one. Well, we're gonna keep waiting and waiting that upgrade is never going to come.
  4. I'd like to change my name but not if it's going to fuck up my old stuff, which is most of my stuff.
  5. OP is into Dakimakura and doesn't like his waifu blending into the sheets.
  6. Looks like the half of the state that haven't gotten the generators are on the west side of the state.
  7. Some people like to torture themselves. As if playing a JRPG wasn't torture enough...
  8. Well I mentioned it because I actually like to go back and see what a I picked and faceplam my choices.
  9. Using an interesting strategy and picking the opposite of what I think since what I think is always wrong.
  10. You forgot to link the previous weeks in the previous weeks section, fyi
  11. I can run plenty of games in 4k right now with the 980 so I have no problem getting the newest one. However, if none are in stock I'll be waiting anyway. It was a nice fantasy for a day.
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