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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Also everyone and their mother puts out a game so it's just a lot harder to stand out unless you have prior knowledge of the game or watch something like UPF on Giant Bomb where they play random new games
  2. I’m watching Good Morning Call. While it’s not an anime it could just as easily be one and it’s based on a manga.
  3. The black people need to call but not identify themselves that way when they show up the black guy can't get in trouble.
  4. Is this just asking about graphical style or content as well? Something like Hotline Miami has somewhat a light tone graphically but the content matter on the other hand is quite dark. Graphically it doesn't matter to me as long as it's aesthetically pleasing. I enjoy my Dark Souls but I also enjoy my Human Fall Flats. As for content matter I suppose I sway towards darker but of course there are extremes where it tries too hard and it doesn't pull it off just as if it tries to be too light it can be a turn off as well.
  5. Terry Bradshaw must have taken a couple swigs of liquor before coming on air.
  6. Josh Rosen looks like Jay Cutler 2.0 Yeah, I guess I was wrong. Didn't they play it later in the day though?
  7. I'm referencing that thread posted a while back that declared that John Goodman was still alive and then bumped it sometime later to say he's still alive but people thought he might be dead when it was bumped (or something like that) It was a good thread!
  8. But you can play DS games on a 3DS so it wouldn't have made much sense plus this looks a lot more visually pleasing.
  9. That's right, you might have forgotten this was a thing but we have our first international game of the year! I'm sure you'll all wake up early to watch this electrifying matchup between the Chargers and Titans! (Turns out it is the second but I'm leaving the original text for shame purposes)
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