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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. If only it wasn’t going up against more entertaining football games and basketball games. Maybe they could shorten the season to avoid that
  2. Dodgers had no chance going in and the results were not a surprise.
  3. Yeah probably. In any case, you can get rid of a cartoon character pretty easily.
  4. Maybe they'll give him a sendoff. Remember when the voice actor for Maud died, they just killed her off on the show.
  5. It only took them 30 years to get rid of this highly offensive character.
  6. I played this for about 2-3 hours. I did enjoy it. I agree with the sentiment that that guy on Giant Bomb mentioned last week it is very much like sudoku with people. While it is deserving of high praise I do think you need to go in with maybe tempered expectations because it's very much a puzzle game (at least the part I'm at). I'd say it's very "the witness"-ish as well. But for $20 you can't go wrong.
  7. Ok finally finished my ballot, 2 pages, took all night pretty much to fill out. I'll drop it off on Monday.
  8. Your attempt at humor was frightening, you shouldn't have been so cavalier. It's too bad you won't be able to shield yourself from the criticism that are sure to come your way.
  9. My dad said he lived there when he was a kid and they didn't have plumbing so they'd have to poop in a bucket and throw it out the window. I see after 70 years not much has changed.
  10. This is cool. I guess Visual Kei still lives! @Runny
  11. I have Yooka Laylee and Hyper Light Drifter already. There was another bundle that had Rime in it but I like this one more.
  12. Amazing how the manager brings in his nervous closer with a 5 run lead and gives up a 2 run hr.
  13. I don't think he'll need to pitch tonight.
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