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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Damn, a talented artist with all the lady friends you mentioned I would have thought you would have lost your V-card a long time ago.
  2. Especially since this is the highest scoring average and yardage average NFL season of all time.
  3. If I was the GM I would maybe look at the free agent market, go with an undrafted college QB or maybe a younger guy just to roll the dice. In no way would I say, “Hey Derek Anderson! I remember when he had that one good season, let’s start him!” Personally, I feel like there are way too many turdy QBs floating around the league, can we inject some new blood (new turds) into the league please?
  4. My friend lost by one point because Gurley didn't get that TD at the end of the game
  5. @Slug can we change the bet to "Which QB will have the most devastating interception"? If so, I win!
  6. Hiriing a voice actor is a good solution but an expensive one. Simpsons is mostly profitable and still going because multiple people voice the same characters and it's cheap to do. Bring in a guy to just voice Apu on occasion and then you're cutting into those profits. Better to just stop doing it all together. Also to the person who posed the question of name someone not a stereotype, Carl is pretty much just a regular dude (they probably figured if they stereotyped a black guy that would be bad )
  7. This and the thanksgiving sale are always a hard pass to wait till the winter sale.
  8. X-Com was probably one of my most played Playstation games. I bought it twice because the disc got worn out.
  9. Now that Monster Hunter is on PC they're going to have to try really hard to make this good.
  10. I worked at the polls a number of years ago. Not only are the voting machines a bitch to set up they seem to be using very ancient technology. When you vote on it it's more work than using a pen and paper.
  11. Needs more Incredible Crisis and No One Can Stop Mr. Domino! Should have included Tecmo's Deception and Destruction Derby 2 was the far superior game.
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