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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. When those rankings came out I thought LSU overrated. I think Michigan moves up after today.
  2. After watching Ben play it on Extra Life I gotta say, it's most likely not worth it. What gameplay there is is buggy and the rest of the game is a movie with no sound or subtitles.
  3. Here's a good piece on blackface that explains the history and the demeaning nature of it
  4. Allowing the guy to kill himself really shows the true spirit of Tallahassee
  5. Raiders are tanking so I don't think they are trying to get rid of draft picks for mediocre players.
  6. It would probably have been a good call if they went with it. Not like LSU is going to win anyway.
  7. They need to make more gun related yoga moves to prevent this in the future.
  8. Yeah, but you're thinking about it wrong. Zero was better than the remake because well, the remake is old but newish while Zero had new things that were never in the original. If you're not playing zero, you're starting from the beginning (this game) and this game is not as bad as you're saying it is.
  9. If you're interested in the series then you're interested in playing a remake of the first game.
  10. Well this game is $15 or less so at that price it's almost worth it for the spectacle. EDIT: Wow Ben is getting so triggered playing this. The game literally has super long FMV cutscenes with no sound (But Matt Rorie assures us a patch is coming to add sound / dialogue)
  11. I've always liked Twitter and found it more useful than Facebook because Twitter (well it used to be) for spur of the moment thoughts and quips while facebook was built more for longform personal things. But they Facebook changed to be more like twitter and so Facebook was pretty much useless, and now of course Twitter is trying to go for the more longer informational things, like twitter threads and I don't think it really works. Oh well. ?‍♀️
  12. Listening to it now. Sounds just as "complex" as anything else they've done. It just sounds like The Negative One part 2
  13. Not just "the full experience" but you need the DLC to make the game interesting and fun to play.
  14. You have a graphics card that can take advantage of the freesync?
  15. Fanatical is offering 15% off. https://www.fanatical.com/en/franchises/hitman?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=PrePurchase+Hitman2+21118&utm_content=Cover
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