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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Well they didn’t have a huge budget, it’s very indie, like a passion project. Ports of this game basically depend on the success of this version.
  2. @GameDadGrant / @NeoJoe There are two versions standard for $60 and Light for $40
  3. Those games would need a lot of work most notably Dark Forces and Jedi Knight.
  4. Yep, no way catering to one or two people could bring the boards down.
  5. I went in to the doctor to check an issue I was having. Paid $100 (no insurance) and he said "IDK" then gave me a referral. But I'm on Covered CA pay 1 dollar a month so I'm good now.
  6. Their new albums are better, faster and heavier. Their old albums are slow and boring. Take that elitists!
  7. The only game I would think is questionable on there would be BF4. How many people are still playing that online? BF One is out and a new BF is right around the corner. Can't see too many people picking that one up for 20 bones.
  8. Heavy Rain for the PS4? I was excited for Deception IV but I already have it.
  9. Phil already said you'd still have the option of playing locally especially where games would suffer from latency.
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