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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. No he thanked me for pointing out your error. I reckon he'll give me another one for this correction.
  2. We didn't have mashed potatoes but we had mashed vegetables which was potatoes, cauliflower and something else. Wasn't bad.
  3. I think we all would but unfortunately you'll have to come to terms with not everything (or not everything good) goes on sale. Not sure about Canada but here's a deal on a 850w Modular Corsair power supply. On sale for 149 and a $20 rebate bumps it down to 129 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16817139083
  4. I played a demo of it one time. Don't remember much about it though.
  5. Look at this thing: Who would want something that looks like that to live? What purpose does it serve other than to be eaten?
  6. Take it from me, someone who did an upgrade then had their power supply die, you're gonna want a new one.
  7. Glad you like it. It's a well done tattoo.
  8. It's not dumb, you're just not smart enough to understand because your genetics are not as good as his.
  9. Thats mainly why I upvoted the unique titles as well but recognized the iconic ones as well
  10. Luckily you can get a fully functional version of the game for Xbox One and PC right now!
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